There is nothing wrong with your monitor...

Posted by Balding Chimp on Dec. 14, 2007, 9:45 p.m.

There is nothing wrong with you monitor…do not atempt to adjust the picture…..we are controling transmision…..

You are about to participate in a great adventure….you are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to…

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You saw every episode of The Twilight Zone? (I have about 90% of them myself on 8 tapes)

Well, why stop there? Lately I have been scoring a number of Outer Limits tapes from a local used media place for $1.99 a piece. I know there are DVD sets with the complete seasons out there…I may break down and get one yet.

For those that don't know… The Outer Limits was a T.V. show that came out about the same time the Twilight Zone serries came out. Yep…in glorious black and white. The best way to describe it I guess would be, "Twilight Zone-ish" but usually having more monsters…and a VERY tight budget. The stories almost always have a twist to them in some way.

It's kind of like retro-games…For The Outer Limits, the serries had a shoestring budget, but the scripts for the stories were very well done in many cases.

Some of the effects were downright laughable. Using vasoline on the lense, aliens from the future wearing rubber shower caps, etc…

But again it's the stories (like gameplay) that make them good. Some were forgetable, but a good number are worth watching. Some I have (and one I lost) include…

<a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by"/></a><br/>

From left to right…

Demon With A Glass Hand - Someone wakes up alone. The Kiban (check spelling) are a race from another world that takes over earth in the future. Trent (our hero) is in the past, but does not remeber much. He has a glass hand that is like a computer. It knows where all the people of earth (of the future) have gone. But he needs to gain back the pieces (fingers) to find out where they are. The Kiban come thru a time mirror to stop him. Will Trent defeat them (and learn the truth?)

I Robot - Adam Link (a robot) is put on trial for murdering his creator. Will the evidence stack up against him? Will his actions show the credibility of what really happened?

The Hundred Days Of The Dragon - The Chineese perfect a liquid, which injected into a human, will allow a persons skin to become like silly putty for about two minutes. Being able to take on any shape (with a mold of a human face) they try to make an impostor…of someone that is sure to be elected president of the United States.

The Sixth Finger - A machine is created that will show what man was in the past…or what he will be in the future. A subject submits himself to the experiments, and evolves quite rapidly…with new powers and reasoning that could be a threat to all of mankind. The subject seems unsatisfied with his current powers and wishes to go forward in time (evolution) some more to become like God.

The Inharitors -This could have been a full movie on it's own as it was in two parts….and one of the best. Four soldiers are shot with bullets to the head durring war… with a special type of bullet. The metal came from a metor that crashed in the area years before. Suddenly all four soldiers (who should have died) all live..and aquire new knowlage…. One becomes a finacial wizard, another becomes a specialist in metalurgy, another works on air-conditioning systems of a sort, while the last developes a device that is anti-gravity. Soon children are snatched up. Not ordinary children but crippled, weak, blind. None of the men know why they are doing what they are doing but they all work together under the control of one alien brain wave (one alien brain)

Soldier - In the future things are not so pretty…but they are not very complicated either… It is just two sides of humanity fighting to the finish. The soldiers are trained to kill the enemy and that is all. There is no mother, father, individualtiy, etc…. Humans are bred for war to fight "the enemy" depending which side they are on. Crossing laser beams, a freak accident sends one back in time to the present (or the 60's). Quarlo finds himself in a world he does not understand. Love, Frriendship, etc, are things he can not grasp. Will he learn from the past or will his future instincts prove he was trained right all along?

There are tons of Outer Limits episodes I am dying to get my mits on. I probably will break down and buy the DVD stuff soon. If you can stand extreamly low budget effects with a good story line, you won't be disapointed.


sk8m8trix 17 years, 2 months ago

I read a book called the outer limits once. It was about these 2 kids on a test planet clone of earth all alone, and aliens came out to test them at night.

Cesar 17 years, 2 months ago

The Inharitors sounds quite interesting… *torrents*

mixahman 17 years, 2 months ago

I've seen the original ones but I'm more of a fan of the "New Outer Limits" cuz I grew up watching these latenight. Come on! the Sandkings, valerie 23, cuaght in the act & many others I can't think of just now. I have the whole collection (torrents) & watch them every other weekend.

Twilight zone is love/hate thing. :p

Balding Chimp 17 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, the new Outer Limits I like as well. I only have about 7 or 8 episodes of that but they were all good. I remember they tried doing the same thing with Twilight Zone around the 80's. Didn't get much into that new series. The effects is the new Outer Limits are far beyond anything they could have dreamed about back then I am sure.

Mu6502 17 years, 1 month ago

1 of me fav's, The Architects of Fear(Culp is in this one too).

I think Sandkings was taken from an old episode called The Zanti Misfits.