An Introduction

Posted by Barbie on May 25, 2009, 1:13 a.m.

And so the start of a fruitful career of blogging and game making begins…

Hello fellow game makers/ bloggers, I congratulate you on joining this site. It takes will power and perseverance to decide to blog regularly. I hope I will be able to entertain you with my take on this superficial thing we have begun to call life.

Let me introduce myself…As you can see by my banner I am going under the alias of “Barbieâ€?. For the record I am not blonde, tall or unintelligent as the stereotype suggests. I’ll let your imagination get some exercise with regard to my appearance if you like but if your imagination prefers to stick to the couch then that’s also fine with me.

Currently, I am in Year 11 at an influential all girls school near the sea. I play as little sport as I can and have recently joined the debating club. The subjects I am taking are possibly going to ruin my future career options but what the hell they are the ones I enjoy.

You may be wondering why I have chosen to talk about my school so early in my acquaintance with you. Well the answer is a simple one; this is where I spend most of my time. Let me share the highlights/ lowlights (depending on how you look at things) of my day with you…Firstly, I went to have a “chapelâ€? service. This was a great opportunity for the unqualified woman who took us, to have a long bitching session and to put her Buddhist type meditation style into effect with an audience who couldn’t get up and leave. Seriously, it was horrific! Why have a religious service if you’re going to use it as an evil tool for the furthering of unhappiness. Then I had a few subjects to attend and got some noodles for lunch. I was complimented by my English literature teacher for a story I had written. She is of the opinion that it was very “Lemony Snicketâ€?(???). I might post it sometime if I have nothing better to do in class (which is often).

And so in conclusion of the first of many blogs, a Jim Morrison quote seems in order…

“Let it roll. Let it rollâ€?


PY 15 years, 9 months ago

What, when we destroy her intelligence?

You should leave your sanity in the box by the door, Barbie, there is no exit from here.


TDOT 15 years, 9 months ago

Welcome to 64D! It's always nice to see first blogs that are actually meaningful :p

ESA 15 years, 9 months ago


Currently, I am in Year 11 at an influential all girls school near the sea.
Influential because it's all-girls?

Josea 15 years, 9 months ago

I don't believe your existance.

sk8m8trix 15 years, 9 months ago

You're in 11th grade and still play with barbies? Well, I cant say I entirely object, but Kevin might. Some say Kevin isn't real, but he is. Kevin could eat your barbies, he says, well no so much as says as tralfamadorizes.

Hmm, I guess you can be in my anarcho punk band, can you play a mean sitar? We have to replace Kevin, he thinks he Jimi Townshend or something, playin' Pinball Fire. It's getting very costly.

Cesar 15 years, 9 months ago



OBELISK 15 years, 9 months ago

So how long is your penis? There's a new rule. Every 64Digits user has to answer this when they first join, or they'll be immediately banned.

sirxemic 15 years, 9 months ago

Quote: Obelisk
Obelisk has spoken, ladies and gentlemen!

OBELISK 15 years, 9 months ago

Haha. I guess I didn't edit my post fast enough.

Also, are you familiar with TimGamesStudios or Pieter6? You kind of have the same IP.

Juju 15 years, 9 months ago

11th grade
Year 11, it's a bit different. Aged around 16… Which is still a bit old =\