Take two

Posted by Barbie on June 15, 2009, 10:05 p.m.

Good morning fellow bloggers!

Today I discovered the reason I am taking math’s. The reason is not so that I can get a good job and make lots of money. It is not so that I can impress fellow suitors with my superior math’s abilities either. The reason, 64digiters, that I am taking math’s is to spend an hour a day spelling words on my fancy calculator. The calculator in question cost my parents $200 and instead of using it in the way it was intended to be used, I have decided to make it my mission in life to learn to spell various words on this peace of equipment. At the moment I can successfully spell various naughty words as well as write secret messages to the people sitting next to me. I consider this achievement equal to that of Sir Edmond Hillary and the like. Needless to say I got 34% on my math’s paper. Well done me!

As mentioned above, I have just finished writing exams. Somehow I managed to pass all my exams (except math’s) without the help of textbooks, extra lessons or going to the first term of classes. This is not like me in the slightest but I guess people change in life.

This morning I watched the New Moon trailer for Twilight (I’m such a conformist) and I was wondering how many guys have read Twilight? Or watched the movie? If you are in fact a guy and watched the movie or read the books, did you enjoy it? I was looking at one of my Facebook friends’ profile and it said that his favourite book was Twilight. WTF???!!!

On the topic of movies, I recently watched “The Great Dictatorâ€? by Charlie Chaplin. Wow! What a film! I laughed myself into hysterics! The part where he chokes in the middle of his speech was so amusing I started crying! Definitely a must see.

Life in general has been pretty down lately. My parents have taken to forcing me to invite friends over. Embarrassing! I think I need to get a new boyfriend to be honest. Someone to vent my anger and sexual frustrations out on *laughs like a disturbed asylum escapee*. But seriously, I really need to.

As good old Mahatma Gandhi once said “To forgive is not to forget. The merit lies in loving in spite of the vivid knowledge that the one that must be loved is not a friend.â€? These words have recently helped me understand events in my life. For a long time I have been hurting due to two bad relationships that have been developing over the past two years. The first ended months ago. Nasty words were exchanged and hearts were broken. I hate this person but somehow I still feel a deep love for him. The seconded ended last week. This relationship is now on a “friendshipâ€? basis. My heart has been broken again. I have every right to hate these people but something inside of me can’t bring myself to do it. I learnt something important today: once I give my love to someone I can’t take it back. It’s theirs forever even if “…the one that must be loved is not a friend.â€? So, Id like to declare that I’m sorry and I still love you. Who knows maybe these people will read this blog and decide to contact me. One can hope.

Frank Sinatra was once asked “How does the smoker prevail in a world of nonsmokers?â€? to which he promptly replied “Tell ‘em, you die your way, I’ll die mine.â€? I, in question, am not a smoker but you get my drift.


Polystyrene Man 15 years, 8 months ago

You're probably the most formal writer here. Just an observation. It's kinda cool.

Acid 15 years, 8 months ago

Your eloquent writing style both intrigues and sickens me at the same time. Don't take this as an insult. :)

No, I did not like Twilight. It was not a horrible movie but I would not say it was anything higher than mediocre. I refuse to read the book.

EDIT: Girl books are all the same.

Kaz 15 years, 8 months ago

Saw the movie. It sucked. Only thing that interested me was that Muse and Mute Math had songs in it. Otherwise it was a cliche love story with vampires. And not cool vampires, which made it even worse V_V

Will never read the book due to my despise of overzealous preteens thinking they are cool.

sk8m8trix 15 years, 8 months ago

Everybody knows vampires burn up and shatter when the sun hits them, like in Blade. They don't fucking glow and sparkle, it's fancy bullshit.

Sandwich 15 years, 8 months ago

*A very groggy Sandwich*

Good morning fellow bloggers!
*Looks at huge body of text*

*Goes back to bed*

Leyenda 15 years, 8 months ago

all these reference to Hillary, Ghandi, Charlie Chapkin, Sinatra… how old are you? just curious why you hang out on forum for teenage boys.

either way welcome. Interesting blog.

Barbie 15 years, 8 months ago

@ Leyenda: I happen to be a 17 year old girl.

@everyone else: I see your points. Every single one of them

Leyenda 15 years, 8 months ago

sry Barbie. not mean to insult or anything. You just dont sound like teenage girl. Your so serious, and quoting people like sinatra and Jim Morrison is unusual.

But your blogs are fun to read. You're a good writer.

username 15 years, 8 months ago


u dont sound like a teenage girl

your like, really smart && stuff, i was like, what do all these big words meaann :S


Leyenda 15 years, 8 months ago

Nothing to do with big words. Barbie obviously a more intelligent person than most of us here.

It's just all thes reference to people/quotes from grandma's generation. lol…