Posted by Barbie on June 27, 2009, 6:57 a.m.

WARNING: I have lost 20 IQ points in this process.

Hello devoted reader

A good point was raised in the comments section of my last blog: Why do I only mention icons from “grandma’s generationâ€?? I contemplated this and I have reached a decision. I’m going to attempt to mention people from this generation in this installation of my life. So as Eminem says “Let’s get down to businessâ€?…

I am officially on holiday but have lots of holiday homework to do. This homework includes reading two books (“The Great Gatsbyâ€? and “Wuthering Heightsâ€?), lots of maths and a huge history project. My school report hasn’t come yet…I have strong premonition of doom. But in the words of the intellectually advanced Lady Gaga: “Let’s have some fun this beat is sick. I wanna take a ride on your disco stick.â€? Make of it what you will.

I tore a few ligaments in my foot last week while I was on my evening jog. Oh the pain!!! So now I’m shuffling around on crutches. This is a huge problem because I was planning on doing a half marathon next Sunday. “I’m damaged, I’m damaged, don’t know what to do.â€? (Shayne Ward). Due to my injury I have spent an increasing amount of time on the internet and have made several scientifically groundbreaking observations…

Facebook is a strange place. Seriously, what possesses a person to upload an album consisting of 100 photos taken of themselves by themselves? Not only is it vein and shallow but it wastes other peoples time. If the only people that are going to waste their time looking through the photos are stalkers or sexual predators then why upload them? These Facebook-abusers should be boiled in hot oil and served for breakfast to Vernon Dursley. Other firm favourites of these “Facebook-abusersâ€? is to label their albums “rAndOmzâ€? (WTF????!!!!!), photos showing indiscriminate hand signals and taking pictures of themselves in the bathroom. Don’t these people have lives???? *sigh* Onto the next wonderfully original topic…

Everyone is talking about it so I thought Id jump on the bandwagon. Michael Jackson’s death is, in my opinion, a sad event but by no means a tragic one. Will.i.am stated that he wouldn’t be surprised if the world stopped spinning tomorrow. Well, the world didn’t stop spinning. Hell, if the King of Pop can die and the world can continue as usual what will happen when I depart this life??? No matter how many people you know, how much money you make or how well you do in life, death will still claim you. Just something to think about.

So just to round things off Ill quote some more Lady Gaga to make this blog ultra “this generationâ€?:

“Play a love game

Do you want love?

Or you want fame?

Are you in the game?�

*Barbie vomits, vows never to do this again and happily starts reading the dictionary to regain her lost IQ points.*


Toast 15 years, 8 months ago

WTF Summer homework

WTF Quoting in like every other sentence

WTF Pinkness

WTF Facebook

Barbie 15 years, 8 months ago

If it irritates you then refrane from reading it.

Its that simple…

PY 15 years, 8 months ago

You can gain IQ points by reading dictionaries?

*runs off to find a dictionary*

Quietus 15 years, 8 months ago

i liked The Great Gatsby, until the miserably sad ending.

Toast 15 years, 8 months ago

I was kidding so o_O

F1ak3r 15 years, 8 months ago

@PY: Yeah, didn't you know that? Unfortunately, though, you'll have to invest in a multilingual dictionary if you want to advance at all from about 150.

flashback 15 years, 8 months ago

I laughed hysterically at the end of Gatsby.

My english teacher thinks I'm a psychopath.

Scott_AW 15 years, 8 months ago

So much pink.

sk8m8trix 15 years, 8 months ago

Gatsby is a vain douchebag, Tom is an utter asshole, Daisy is a psychotic superficial bitch, Myrtle is also a superficial bitch and a douchebag to her husband. The only characters I find to be good in this entire book are Nick, George and Jordan. The Great Gatsby is a shit book, almost as bad as The Catcher in the Rye or A Separate Peace.

Polystyrene Man 15 years, 8 months ago

The Catcher in the Rye
Best goddamn book.

Seriously though. It is.