Well, after a long week of Trick or Treeting, Honor Band, and something else, I feel I'm back, at least for now. I've had a really buisy week, and this was the first time I got on a computer since monday.
Anyway, due to a missprint on my last blog, all you saw was this for the images. I really did take pictures, but I messed up my image forum code thing. So here is the before and after pics again.beforeafterSo, thats about it. Though I'm getting this voice acting down. And Game Maker is so and so.~BenRKThe XBox360 lags more than the XBox. IS THIS A SIGN???
I like dells…
You don't want to know how bad the room was before I rotated the desk. And the desk is cleaner too.
My Dell = Your Dell, it's just been upgraded, and it came with a few extras. ;)