Nothing about everything

Posted by BenRK on Nov. 18, 2006, 10:13 p.m.

As Daniel Handler would say, please don't read this. Why? Because in one paragraph about the Wii, other than this one. So please stop reading now if your uneasy about Nintendo, Game Maker, and pizza.

Well, the Nintendo Wii comes out tomorrow. I wonder who will win. Tomorrow is the begining of the end. No one makes much hype about the PS2 VS GCN, because over all, the GCN is a better machine. I hope the Wii dosent go the way of the GCN.

In Game Maker news, I've been working for a little over 6 hours on TankWARZ, and here's a screen shot of what I have done for that 3D game of mine.

I hope to make this one online, though I need to know how to use the 39dll, and how to work multiplayer over all. And I also don't want to program AI, because there is so much to look over SO FAR.

And thats about it for today, have a good night sleep.


Wait, there was nothing about pizza.


Flea1991 18 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, it sucks that ColumnsX lost… [:(]

Maybe your new 3D game will do just as good if not better than Csx, JakeX. [:)]

Requiem 18 years, 3 months ago

Uhm, what's with the impromptu pep talk?

Nighthawk 18 years, 3 months ago

I voted for Evolites, but I don't hate CsX. Azurerage looks really amazing so far though, I love those graphics. I hope it'll make it to the cagematch someday. I'll vote for it, unless something really spectacular goes against it.

But I'm going off topic, this was supposed to be about pizza!

Quote: BenRK
Wait, there was nothing about pizza.
Aw… Never mind…

BenRK 18 years, 3 months ago

I'm laughing like crazy over on this end of the internet! I never thought I would see that post again, but hey, at least I'm forwarned about my impending doom. (*Grabs axe and tries to find a Nightmare On Elm Street reference*)

Rob 18 years, 3 months ago

gamecube didnt own the ps2

BenRK 18 years, 3 months ago

I never said it did. I said the hardware was better.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 3 months ago

Tomorrow is not the beginning of the end. In two months you'll look back and wonder why you thought this would effect your life at all. I don't see how you think the Gamecube was better than the Playstation 2, and since you didn't give any actual reasoning, I'm going to assume you happen to have a gamecube, but you couldn't afford a Playstation 2 when they came out, so you're bitter or something.

As Daniel Handler would say, please don't read this. Why? Because in one paragraph about the Wii, other than this one.
PS - That made no fucking sense. Please speak English or leave.

BenRK 18 years, 3 months ago

I'm NOT saying that the PS2 is better than the GCN in sales and game play. I do own a Game Cube, and own an old PS. While I don't own a PS2, I have done my research, and from all the sources I've looked over (all 2 of them), the Game Cube has better HARDWARE! That is the ONLY part of it that is better than the PS2. LOOK IT UP, AND PLEASE READ THROUGH THE COMMENTS!

On that other note, you need to read some more.