In other news

Posted by BenRK on Dec. 11, 2006, 10:05 p.m.

I laughed hard today. There's this one guy in PC Support who's a total XBox junkie. To the point where he will bash other consoles with out even looking beyond their controller. THEIR CONTROLLER! Skip to today, and I'm writting up a power point presentation for the history of Nintendo Game Consoles (at least from the N64 up). I got those pictures that every one shows (those from console wars dot com) and stuck them in the power point. He came walking up and asked what I was doing. I showed him the numbers and told him the dates (at least he understand that the 360 has been out for over a year) of the console releases. He couldn't believe it. I laughed like crazy (he's also an over all idiot).

In Game Maker news, I decided to show you people some screen shots for Dr. Putts' Mini Golf. I'm having trouble with little hills and all, seeing as there is no clean way to put a hightmap into the game from the examples I've seen. I also plan on getting a better texture for the ball. Also, the flag sucks at the moment, and I plan on making it have smoother movement, and I also plan on adding a windmill before the first WIP release, and hopefully have some hills in it.

Sorry for the big pics.


If ANYONE starts a console war here, all posts related to it will be deleted by me or mods or who ever has the power to, because I didn't post this to start a console war!


blueBX 18 years, 2 months ago

Looks nice.Cant wait to play it. Wii is better.JK

Omnilith 18 years, 2 months ago

Ooh… tone down the grass color a bit. That'll blind somebody!

That X-box fanboy doesn't sound too bright.