Games or Video card?

Posted by BenRK on Dec. 27, 2006, 5:58 p.m.

After doing some searching, I must now make a choise. Do I want to get some games for my DS and GCN or a video card for my computer? I want games, but I also want a video card (so I can run games faster and better). I'm pointing towards video card, but the problem is, I have a Dell computer, and I've heard it's hard to install video cards in a dell. Is it even posible TO install a video card on a dell?

And if so, what card do you recomend? I don't need one thats SUPER UBER, I just need one that will last me a few years at least (if it dosen't take a few years to install).

If not, what games do you recomend for my DS and GCN?

In other news, I'm going to release a WIP for Dr. Putts Mini Golf in January. When in January, I don't know. I only just finished writting a test level file (any kind of level you want (that the game can provide) in a file with the size that ANY computer can hold (new or old). It's only 24kbs text file (soon to by encrypted) with the extention of .dpl (Dr Putts Level). This should make sharing levels super easy, and my old old very old 1997 computer that has only 100MBs in memory, if I used that as a holding server, 10MBs would be enough.

Enough of that, I want to know what game or video card I should get.


I have $140 at the moment.


BenRK 18 years, 1 month ago

Well, my Dell is reletivly old (It was suprizingly hard to find an up-to-date card that would actualy fit in my system), and I know I might have trouble. If I do have trouble when installing it, I'll head over there.

Nighthawk 18 years, 1 month ago

I think I have the same computer as you do BenRK. Really slow Dell Dimension, right? If so, you'll need a video card, 3D games are never very good with an integrated one.

BenRK 18 years ago

Dimension 2400.

Nighthawk 18 years ago

That's mine alright.

BenRK 18 years ago

Then, for the love of Game Maker, UPDATE THAT COMPUTER!

Nighthawk 18 years ago

I did, I just never complained because I didn't know what it was like to go so… Fast.

BenRK 18 years ago

I knew because everyone complained that my computer was crap, and then I did.

frenchcon1 17 years, 11 months ago

goodbye, blogging privs