The end of your subscription

Posted by BenRK on Dec. 11, 2007, 1:27 p.m.

Hello. Lets get right to the point, shall we? 64Digits sucks, and let me say right now, that if I'm banned/warned/whatever, that only proves my point. Now, lets give some reasons, shall I? For starters, some… most of the people here are self centered, "I'm better than you"… people (wow, great way to put it, huh?). I'm not going to give names, I'll just say most.

That is the main reason however, but a good one. There is also the fact that this site frowns on newbies (frowning on n00bs is fine however, but it's also a different situation as well). This is most likely related to my first point (and most likely only point), but still. People have to start somewhere, and frowning on their actions of learning will only turn them away from what ever subject they are on (Game Maker, art, whatever). This makes the site seem like an exclusive club that no one really likes anyway (the club).

I'm sure this blog will do little to change anything, but I don't mind being a martyr in this case (if I'm banned/warned/whatever that is).


The person who brought you that crappy game of Dr. Putts.


LoserHands 17 years, 2 months ago

It didn't sound sarcastic to me, but that is true. I've heard people say that when they mean to say the complete opposite without "Sounding sarcastic".

sk8m8trix 17 years, 2 months ago

Sk8? Elite? I do question your judgment.
I did say that there are a lot more retarded members coming here, Trogdor is a prime example. And also I'm not some fucking noob, I know perfectly will how to code, and you will see that as soon as soon as my awesome game is done.

Arcalyth 17 years, 2 months ago

sk8… just shut up. I can debase pretty much every argument you just gave.

s 17 years, 2 months ago

Elitism of 64digits isn't really all that true. Anyone can join, and if they don't go freaking around over a random slap on the back, nobody will care about how new they are. Heck, a little trip is soon to be forgotten if one is able to realize the fact that there was never an issue to begin with

@DF=Just to go with the microreadings, I think you'd prefer to say something along the lines of forgiving without forget, instead of forgiving and forget as long as one does not redo what has been sined

BenRK 17 years, 2 months ago

You have no idea how much I'm enjoying this. I know I picked this fight, I was expecting it. Heck, I was also expecting to not be warned or banned. I also now that you guys don't believe a word in this comment (well, if not all, most). What happened in this "blog" was just what I wanted to happen. Of course, I couldn't predict what the comments would be from people, but I knew there would be some quite n00bish posts (Sk8, ChIckEn, Trogdor) and some with logical arguments (DesertFox).

In short, I'm not on a moral horse/donkey thing, I was having some fun, as Trogdor can very well tell you. But I do hate this site and wish it would close down, not most of the people on it (though I do hate JakeX, thought I should get that out there), no matter how ironic that may be.

Also, I made a mistake by trying to attack head on, I'll admit that.

Kenon 17 years, 2 months ago

Meh, I agree on many levels with you Ben.

But it is rather useless complaining to the site itself that you hate it when so many other people love it.

Also, everyone hates JakeX.