Before and after, a cleaning room story.

Posted by BenRK on Oct. 29, 2006, 9:32 p.m.

It all began saturday. I just got home, glad I got a new game for my DS (Brain Age), when suddenly, I find in my room, papers EVERYWHERE (in nice, neat little piles). So, I went through everything and threw away most of it untill it was clean enough for me to go to bed. The next day begins with me watching GhostBusters2. Then, with out notice, it was time to clean my room.

I'll spare you the exact details of how it went with something anyone could understand.

I basicly took a bomb, blew up my room, then put it back together. And now, it looks great! And you shall see with these before and after pictures.



You can see how much my room has changed (even if it's only a picture of my computer). I cleaned EVERY LITTLE THING, and my computer was not spared this. Now, my room is clean. Fresh air, no dust, everything clean. Even under my beds are clean (and it's next to imposible to clean under those, seeing as there is no clear way under them).

Anyway, Game Maker news, nothing at all. Except I might need a 3D modeler for Zeta8, but I might keep it with sprites.


Toons, Games, Eeee-mail.


AthamX 18 years, 3 months ago

If I could see the pictures, I would be a lot happier

KaBob799 18 years, 3 months ago

your room is a box with a red x o.0 awsome!

but it didnt change at all when you cleaned it

DesertFox 18 years, 3 months ago

What pictures? :P

smaksak 18 years, 3 months ago

Nooo, the bomb blew up the pictures too!