The Official *non* Pre-Scripted Business Introduction

Posted by Biotech Gaming on April 17, 2007, 12:40 a.m.

I'm tempted to give my little pre-scripted business introduction, but I'm a bit tired of using it, so I'll just do my own thing for now. Feel free to amble on over to the Biotech website at if you'd like to see it though. The website is generally complete, but I'm updating and modifying it every few days, so for those of you who enjoy receiving new info., this site will be a real treat. Biotech currently has 3 games in production. Our core game, "The Insurgent", is based around the Lego Bionicle storyline. This game is being created for BZPower, the largest Bionicle fansite in the world (4 million+ posts, 50,000+ members). It has been in development for about 11 months and the beta demo alone has received over 1,750 individual downloads. To be blunt, I think that demo needed some work. The game engine has ended up being rebuilt 3 times, migrating from looking like this to this:

Quite a difference eh? Our goal is to have a demo of Version 3.1.1 released within a month or two.

Biotech is also working on two other games. One of which, Maze of Shadows 3D, also relates to the Bionicle world. You can view more information regarding that game on our website (see link above).

Our third game is significantly different than the other two, in that it is a utility rather than a strict game. I'm not going to reveal much about it now, seeing as I've recently submitted it into the 64D database. If/When it's approved, I'll post an entry giving all the details.


CEO/Lead Programmer

Biotech Game Productions


Firebird 17 years, 10 months ago


DesertFox 17 years, 10 months ago

Your… utility… looks rather interesting, though it may be a few days before it gets through the queue. I won't give away the secret, no worries.

It looks very professionally well done. I'd normally suggest to avoid pillow shading, but in your case it turned out nicely.

Cesque 17 years, 10 months ago

Looks nice indeed.

OBELISK 17 years, 10 months ago

Holy SHIT that's a nice effect!

Josea 17 years, 10 months ago

Ahh Bionicle, it -used- to be really cool, but Lego just exhausted the franchise. Their creativity ended going down the toilet.

Omega_Squid 17 years, 10 months ago

@ josea - seriously!

Nighthawk 17 years, 10 months ago

Ooh, nice particles! [:D]

Alert Games 17 years, 10 months ago

Im just wondering how you did the orange light lines effect. The orange ball looks like it was used from the blend effect example, and the other screenie just particles. =)

Biotech Gaming 17 years, 10 months ago

Quote: gml_josea
Ahh Bionicle, it -used- to be really cool, but Lego just exhausted the franchise. Their creativity ended going down the toilet.
I find that comment amusing in light of your Bionicle avatar. [:P]

Quote: Alert Games
Im just wondering how you did the orange light lines effect. The orange ball looks like it was used from the blend effect example, and the other screenie just particles. =)
Actually, it's all done with particles. The center of the blast actually bursts and flickers, as opposed to steadily growing. I don't have any blend mode tutorials, so any similarities are just coincidence. But yeah, the flamethrower is done with particles.