2nd Day here ^^

Posted by BlaXun on Nov. 23, 2006, 6:47 a.m.

wow, its 02:18 AM here…..guess what I am doing..yap, working on creators world.

For the new version I changed the sprites for the main character completely…as a result I also had to remake the two different title screens (yes, TWO TITLE SCREENS, one when you play at daytime and another one when you play later ;) nice gimmick, huh? )

then I had to change the menu screen, loading and saving screen, sig-maker backgrounds, loading-bar image…and so on and so on….phew, hope I wont have to change it again, I actually like the new character.

Hey, those are the Title Screens I wrote about: (have to look up how to add images into a blog entry >,<)

I think they are much better then the first Title screens ^-^

I just played Zelda - Ocarina of Time again…started my Beamer to have a HELLA BIG SCREEN x,x

Anyway…I shall go to the fire temple now…but…I FORGOT WHERE THE ENTRANCE IS ;_;

So, if anybody has a clue please tell me…else I'll have to look at gamefaqs.com



PLEASE, somebody…LET ME DIE ;_;

I just uploaded te beta 5 of Creators world just to find out that there is a nasty bug…stupid thing was…I allready postet that version on 3 sites….so I wrote on all those sites that I will edit andd re-upload…I did that…and FOUND MORE BUGS that were to serious ;_;

Guess what I did…ya edit it again and re-upload to then write on each site again that I re-uploaded a third time ;_;



BlaXun 18 years, 2 months ago

OMG! Help! I just klicked "Save" in GM to save my process and now GM doesnt do anything o,o

If I now force GM to shutdowb it might kill my whole game!

My last backup was 12 days ago >,<

Flea1991 18 years, 2 months ago

I think you will have to re-install Game Maker. sorry. [:(]

Acid 18 years, 2 months ago

That happened to me before. Just shutdown your computer and restart. Though your progress may not be saved,

BlaXun 18 years, 2 months ago

Phew, I forced it to close….but to my luck I had saved shortly before…so I just had to do some coding again ^^

Who of you gus knows how to get to the fire temple in Zelda Ocarina of time? ^^;

squeakyreaper 18 years, 2 months ago

Ouch. Which one; are you still young link? I couldn't even beat the first temple as adult. If you really need help, go to gamefaqs.

Arcalyth 18 years, 2 months ago

To get to the fire temple, play the fire bolero.

down, A, down, A, right, down, right, down

If you don't have it yet, go into Darunia's room (in the Goron city) and go behind the statue, then go down to the center of the volcano to find the entrance.

Or climb all the way to the top of Death Mountain to enter the volcano that way.

Arcalyth 18 years, 2 months ago

and squeaky, the fire temple is on adult link ._.

As young link you have Zora's domain (Jabu Jabu), Kokiri forest (Deku Tree), and Goron's city (Dodongo Cavern) to go to to get the 3 spiritual stones.

BlaXun 18 years, 2 months ago

ah! Thats wehy the way to darunias room opened!

I was going up the death mountain all the time..as young link…as adult link…again again and again ^^; thx .-.

BlaXun 18 years, 1 month ago

Im goin to get that fire dungeon done now B)

wish me luck guys….who of you got a WII allready btw? ^^

Im from germany…have to wait untiol decembre 8