Another "SLIME ONLINE" Video ^-^ *new*

Posted by BlaXun on Jan. 25, 2007, 7:41 p.m.

Hey there…it's me again ^-^/")

I've been working some more on "Slime Online".

I added two new tilesets and, again, improved the server.


The new area tilesets are an "Industrial" tileset

and a "Dark Clouds" Tileset.

Im still not satisfied with the results…I think i'll make the cloud tileset even darker….would be better.

Im still thinking about other features to add so you feel you are not alone…I got some ideas from peoples…will add some…but need more…

It looks very boring…but…HEY, IM HERE TO IMPROVE :P

Anyway, here is a new video showing off the work I've done:

*new* *new* *new*

*old* *old* *old* :Þ


blueBX 18 years ago

That looks awsome! Can't wait until it comes out.

Alx 18 years ago

It looks great again, but the birds look to pixelish might want to fix that.

BlaXun 18 years ago

I know they look pixelish, but please try drawng a 64x64 bird that actually LOOKS GOOD ^-^

I just scale em…maybe I shouldnt scale em that hard….but…well…I do like it….

And, as I wrote…I'm still thinking about changing some stuff ^-^/")

Thank you for your comments ^^

Requiem 18 years ago

Once again, well done.

I liked the graphics, and the music is great.

(Once again, I love .mods.)

rappybas 18 years ago

OMG i like it :D

can't wait (A)


Grand-High Gamer 18 years ago

The player seemed really slow on the cloud level. I also don't see the point of being a slime without slime-powers, eg. Dripping down through a grate, spreading out thin or grabbing things, maybe with a meter for your ability to reintergrate.

BlaXun 18 years ago

Thanks again for your reply.

On the cloud level the slime is only slow when movin against the wind…when he moves with it he's faster.

Slime Powers are beein worked on ^-^