Slime Online and Random Stuff ^-^

Posted by BlaXun on Feb. 1, 2007, 3:23 a.m.


I am back X_X

Sry, Im a bit crazed right now.

Didnt sleep for a long time…..

Just drinkin energy-drink, eating energy-gums and energy-sweets @_@ TAURIN! COFFEINE! come n get me yaaa! COME TO DAAADDDDY!

well…um…ya…where did I stop?

Uh, Slime Online!

I didnt get any help with the stupid bugs I mentioned the last blogs…

but I made a video of that shitty bug appearing :D

here u go:

And this is the link to my HELP topic on the GMC:

I made a new map. Its a forest map and looks pretty cool!

I also got leafes to fall down from top ^-^ looks really nice :D

The game gets bigger and bigger and bigger ^-^

What else I am doin?

Waitin for yoyo games to appear online T~T

Im really excited about this one…damn them…


DEATH NOTE 16 IS OUT! -pretty boring compared to the other episodes

A GAME THAT I WONDER THAT IT WASNT MADE IN GM YET! - TRIPLE TRIAD! Thats the Final Fanzasy 8 card game! C'mon, its easy to make and I would jump into this project right now if I wouldnt makin slime online….Its so easy…once you got the basic part down everythign runs smooth. You can even EASILY add ONLINE SUPPORT >,<

I know there are many web-based TT-clones around…but its not the same T~T

A COOL IMAGE TO CHECK OUT: Definetly this one:

Trust me, you'll love it :D

CUTEST THING THIS WEEK: I kid you not, its this

COOLEST THING TO KNOW THIS WEEK: A female friend of mine told me she loves hentai as much as I do xD MUAHAHAH!

SHITTY FUCKY THING THIS WEEK: The dumb bugs in slime online are still there ;_;


Ok, thats it…blog done…blaxun k.o.

cya later folks!


This is me:


Polystyrene Man 18 years ago


Episonage 18 years ago

Lol, BlaXun… Is that a Slime you're holding (1. pic)?

BlaXun 18 years ago

Those r porings from ragnarok online :D

Kenon 18 years ago

I should make Triple Triad. I was a master at that. I could never lose

Carlos_Ramos 18 years ago

Ok, I finished the scripts…(I was so tired it took me five hours to write less than 15 lines :o ).

Of course, I suggest backing up your game before you try it out. Works nicely, but if you need any fixes let me know. Need anything else…scripts, bug help….let me know and I'll see what I can do.

kickassgames 18 years ago

u play ragnarok online aswell kool

thepharaoh 17 years ago

I'd say around the time when Light does that stunt with the notebook and the 50-day thing is a rather boring part of the series, but we know it gets a lot better.