Slime Online Adventures [BlaXun]

Posted by BlaXun on April 25, 2007, 8:55 p.m.

Woah, it has been 24 hours since I released Slime Online beta 4b.

I had a great time today playing with other people who like the game as much as I do.

We got some pretty nice screenshots:

The first Players started to make a "Clan" and get the highscore ^^

Its kinda funny, the game doesnt have much gameplay yet, but people are still playing the whole day ^^

The game takes exactly the route I want it to take and it seems to get exactly the people I wanted to play it.

I want the game to be more a Community-Game then any other gameplay.

On a side-note, a girlfriend of mine got addicted to teh game and drew this:

She will draw even more for the game ^-^

For the next version I allready added a sign that shows the players how many other people are playing.

I also fixed lots of bugs and added more maps.

And I noticed just now that 64Digits changed their policy on blogs that appear on the front page ^^

I like this, this is the first time my blog survived longer then 10 minutes on the front page ;)

Something I am waiting for is the next issue of the GMTech Magazine.

I gave a 3 page interview :D

Talking about that magazine…the site seems to be down…I hope that doesnt mean anything bad.

Anyway, YoYo-Games still didnt make their move, but they quietly perform some tests in the background.

I guess it wont take to long ;)

As I browsed the GM-Manual again today I encountered the nice function choose() it can have 16 arguments and is pretty cool xD

Anyway, I cant think of anything else right now..

ok…there is one more thing, NO, even two things ^-^


Slime Online gets MYSQL-featured signatures, like this one:


Austin and I are working on a new site for the game.

here is the link for the temporary version:


Shork 17 years, 10 months ago

I can't wait for school to be over so I can play this. Until then, my physics is of higher priority! TO PHYSICS!

Ph0x 17 years, 10 months ago


IdiotProof 17 years, 10 months ago

Why'd you have the old GMC topic closed if you were just going to make a new one?

BlaXun 17 years, 10 months ago

Why shouldnt I?

Black Parchment 17 years, 10 months ago

OMG I WAS 24 hours late!

Downloading Right away!

mitchbbaker 17 years, 10 months ago

i can't play it it let me create an account but when i log in the oly thing that happens it it shows 0 points thats it it doesn't even freeze

sirxemic 17 years, 10 months ago

As a response to 'did you extract the game?' in your previous blog. Yes I did extract it.

BlaXun 17 years, 10 months ago

mitchbbaker, what do you mean? what room are you in when it shows that 0 points?

BlaXun 17 years, 10 months ago

mitchbbaker, I guess you had the account "michtbbaker" and "mitchy" …I had a look at em…ya, sometin didnt work ther <.< I deleted those.

Very wierd…

deepermeaning 17 years, 10 months ago

I want the game to be more a Community-Game then any other gameplay.
And yet you <b>still</b> can't chat outside of the chat areas.