Yet another Slime Online Version

Posted by BlaXun on Aug. 14, 2007, 1:24 p.m.

Yes yes, I got another pre-beta done.

Here is another Client.

Green-Market should be fixed now

Lots of hacks are prevented

Some Glitches and bugs got removed.

I am still aware that there is that wierd bug that destroys the object that manages all important things…without this object you cant switch rooms and the game gets stuck…I think we all know this.

I am not sure what is causing this, but I think it could be a hackers doing by sending corrupted messages.

I will try to fix this as soon as possible!

Here is the new Client:

Pre-Beta 7.3

This new Client will also need you to start a new account.

Dont get mad about this, this is just a pre-beta and if you parcitipate you'll have to live with such things happening.


If you want to try to hack, INFORM me before you do so!

If I find somebody HACKING without TELLING me aboout this he will get BANNED and his account deleted!

BlaXy-Babe Q__Q


Ph0x 17 years, 5 months ago

i saw a raving rabbids vid and made this acc:

BlaXun 17 years, 5 months ago

its an outfit ^^ but a cool one :D

Ph0x 17 years, 5 months ago

i knbow but i post it on the forum the ionly reason it has ears is so you can use 2 accs on him :D

s 17 years, 5 months ago

Ya,but you can't have BunnyEars with other things now>_>


mixahman 17 years, 5 months ago

dead link