Who should be in Final Fantasy Dissidia Duodecim

Posted by Brod on Dec. 8, 2010, 9:36 p.m.

If you're not a Final Fantasy fan, you can ignore this. Don't attack me b/c I like the series, I understand why you hate it. We all miss your cousin. But he shouldn't have stayed up 32 days straight playing! He had an addiction, and you know it. Blaming the game isn't going to change anything.




So after nerding up a conversation about Final Fantasy games today, here are some of the characters I hope to be in Duodecim Dissidia, considering they continue the pattern of 3 characters per FF game (* = Ones I want in, ? = Ones I can’t think of, Others are already definitely in the game)

1: Warrior of Light / Garland / (? There really aren’t any other characters…)

2: Firion / The Emperor / Leon*

3: Onion Knight / Cloud of Darkness / (?)

4: Cecil / Golbez / Kain

5: Bartz / Exdeath / (?)

6: Terra / Kefka / (?)

7: Cloud / Sephiroth / Tifa

8: Squall / Ultimecia / Laguna

9: Zidane / Kuja / Beatrix* or Vivi*

10: Tidus / Jecht / Yuna

11: Shantoto / (?) / (?)

12: Vaan (Fucking hate this guy…) / Gabranth / Balthier*or Fran*

13: Lightning / Cid Raines* / Sazh*

Tactics (Tactics might not even be in it, but I'd be REALLY happy if it were) : Ramza* / Delita* / Agrias*or Gafgarion*


Unaligned 13 years, 1 month ago

The real question is, how did dswscorpion find this entry?