It was Gaypr0n69Meatsp1nn3r
75 >_>
Fuck, Jake forgot to give me the privs >_>
I am now hardened aganist usertags!
That isn't a usertag, its a clever Javascript doohickey =P
And now it's [schlongbeast]
or is it [scholong beast]?
it's [shlongbeast], I checked on melee's bog =P
Hehe…. =)
It was Gaypr0n69Meatsp1nn3r
75 >_>
Fuck, Jake forgot to give me the privs >_>
I am now hardened aganist usertags!
I logged out to check.That is the worst use yet.That isn't a usertag, its a clever Javascript doohickey =P
And now it's [schlongbeast]
or is it [scholong beast]?
it's [shlongbeast], I checked on melee's bog =P
Hehe…. =)