Bry~ Happy Christmas

Posted by Bryan on Dec. 24, 2007, 6 p.m.

Happy Christmas instead of merry Christmas, just for the sake of beeing different than the avarage joe.

First blog on th real Christmas (GMT obviously) GET yay, and a real blog since a long-loooong time.

Anyways, Christmas. Don't you love all the chocolate milk? I love it especially with cream.

I usually go to one of my aunts the first day, but as she is on a holiday, I'm free and I will be home, pure win ^_^. Which means I can sleep the entire morning, eat breakfast in the afternoon lunch right after that. Then I will eventually start my dinner =D. The next day I'll start dinner about 18:00 with my entire family it usually takes around 4-6 hours =) fun fun fun.

Sadly enough I'm ill, you know the 'flu (I probably got it when I went to the swimming pool and went outside then jumping into the water with back flips and shit). It's really wasting my holidays D= why can’t I get sick if I don’t have holidays. I always become sick in the holidays :(.

Also, my fucking school also gave me fucking HOMEWORK in my fucking holidays. They deserve to be punished… I&#8217;m already too late handing it in >_<. I will probably hand in some corrupt docx files. They can't open docx and even if they managed to open them, it will be corrupt :D. Stupid fags&#8230;

As you can see, I'm sort of happy at the moment. But once school starts, my life will suck even more than yours wee.

Oh, ST Players ->

Cheers and a Merry Christmas.



frenchcon1 17 years ago

Get wasted

Juju 17 years ago
frenchcon1 17 years ago

Is she nekked?

frenchcon1 17 years ago

Go and get her nekked! >=)

Juju 17 years ago

Ok, I'll get her naked.

Bryan 17 years ago


Juju 17 years ago

Indeed. Much fappage occured.