24k blog

Posted by Bryan on Feb. 12, 2008, 4:43 p.m.

Adrenaline.. Weapon suggestions anyone?

Bryan I had secks with my gpenis in the ggaybar

04:30 Onii rofl

Vezper Stop talking about sex

PY A stalker as in a STALKER, not a stalker

Bryan I have stalkers in my ghouse in my gbed

Onii LOL

Vezper What the hell huys

PY Quick, run!

Vezper Guys*

Vezper Stop talking crap

Bryan xD

PY Else you're gonna die

Bryan I have enough of the gtalk which is gcrap!

04:31 PY No g u!

Bryan lolol

PY Epic g man has replaced your g with f

Bryan I had a big laugh at your gfuck you which said gguck you

PY No u

Bryan no u fgt

Onii fgra

PY no u gfag

Vezper C_C

Onii fgrs*

04:32 PY <_<

Bryan gfgt!

Bryan lol

Onii I need an 'emote' key on my keyboard

Bryan glol

Bryan you need a gemote gkey on your gkeyboard?

PY emote?

Bryan gemote?

Vezper Stop G talking

04:33 Onii gno

Bryan gno gfuck gyou

Vezper It is Gman

Vezper G-MAN!

Bryan you gstarted it >_>

PY lols

Vezper No i didn't

PY Have you played HL1?

Bryan Vezper I had my fun with gman in gmod

PY He's more evil in that

PY Always round a door…

Vezper G-man in Garry's mod

PY Not shootable

04:34 Vezper He always show up at places and then disappear =I

Vezper =O*

Vezper =O

Vezper xD

PY Yeah, the little…

PY evil

Bryan the glittle gbastard

Vezper STOP IT!

Bryan gstop gwhat?

Vezper It's annoying

PY I am banning the letter g

Vezper …


Vezper 'ood

Bryan PY why gwould you gban the gletter gg?

Vezper It's annoying

PY Mmm, if only we had a channel op, they could kick you…

PY But I don't actually have a punioshment

Bryan gbut gyou gdont ghave gops

PY I knowg

Vezper 'o to hell


04:36 PY I used the letter!

Onii no chan op would kick Bwy because of the letter 'g'

Bryan glol gfaggot!

Onii only a fgt op would

Bryan gyes


Bryan git'd be very gsilly

PY I CO would, it's mai channel here!


Bryan gmain?

Onii Mai Waifu

Vezper BRYAN!


Bryan gyes?

Vezper STOP G:ING!

04:37 Bryan gfucking?

Onii get over it

PY mmmmmmkay, the joke is old now

Vezper Fuck off

Onii it's not annoying

Bryan k…

Onii ignore it

Vezper It is

Bryan kstupid kbastards.

Onii it's not hurting you

Onii LOL

Vezper >_>


Vezper 16 years, 10 months ago

Nah. That's the scary part =D


Bryan 16 years, 10 months ago

Game isn't meant to be scary =) But I could add some light effect yea.

Vezper 16 years, 10 months ago

I mean, It's scary to walk around in the dark not knowing when you'll touch a mine =P

Alert Games 16 years, 10 months ago

thats what i do

Ice of sweden 16 years, 9 months ago

Hehe, That's a shitty life man =P