265k blog

Posted by Bryan on Dec. 27, 2008, 1:03 p.m.

Yeah, I've stolen another one :3

So, Adrenaline.

As I got my well deserved winter break, I get free time. And therefore I am now working on adrenaline =) Liam and I plan to release it next year. That means we have 365+4 days to release it. We got some new cool stuffs, everything is much smoother. We fixed a motherload of bugs, improved a whole lot. But we only added a few new things. So we're really concentrating on adding new stuff, cause everyone likes new stuff :D


As its holidays I have none, my friends are kinda lame, they're like "Lets go out alot, lets game here , lets do this , lets go there" but now they ofc have no time, YOU HAVE HOLIDAYS YOU MORONS. Christmas was… christmas-y. Lots of family around, my mum bought a wii (a pack with wii + 2controllers, nunchuck ofc wiisports and wiiplay). and my little brother bought mariokart.

I own my brother with all games so that's cool.

After my holidays I have nice exams n shit, so I'll end up making all my homework the last few days of my only 2 week long holidays :(. I hate my school system, 8 - 16 every day except friday, then if you didnt finish your homework you can pretty much go 8-16 every friday too. Horrible. It's burning me up.

Hockey Warning : this is boring

Indoor season superb fun. As this is really my game, indoor I obviously rock. I made 4 goals in 4 matches so yey, this year my little brother is in my team, and he's the only attacker that actually passes. In my fieldhockeyteam we only got 2 attackers (I'd classify myself as attacker but apperantly, cause I'm strong, and can run forever, I am (central)midfielder).

The attackers either don't want to pass around, or they have no overview of the game at all :/ probably a bit of both.

But yes indoor, I take the penalty corners, but idk, I constantly keep hitting the damned post >_>, I'd say I have at least hit it ~8 times now, made 2 goals of it, and like missed 1 or 2.

I use a kind of dragflick, but because I haven't mastered it completly yet (probably why I keep hitting the post). No one is able to be a stopper, or wants to.. So I have to stop it myself, thus I cannot gain any forward momentum D:. I solely depend on my strenght in my arms and shoulders and chest. Good thing that I go twice in the week to the gym so that's not really a problem ^_^. I guess I still flick it faster than anyone in the competition. BUT I KEEP HITTING THE POST…

Cheers, also give me 12k hits mmk?



OL 16 years ago


Bryan 16 years ago

Hey sexy!

Cesar 16 years ago