The whole cd is not uploaded yet, and I'm probably not going to either, because I dislike 90% of it. The cd has been done for a while, but i kept tweaking the files to make them sound better[these aren't the tweaked files, due to both lack of internet, and interest..]
You can tell me it sucks, because i am fully aware of how bad it is. In comparison to my current ability, this cd is complete horse CIRIBOT. My new music sounds like This, and not like this:001__Native_Suicide_Cult_Serenade005__The_Day_The_Sky_Went_Black_As_The_Sun_Red006__Primarily_Colored_Suicide_Car_Bombing_Love_Song007__Eccentricly_From_All_Angles008__Glitch_in_the_Wormhole009__Piano_Slowly_Soothes_Genocide_Victims010__Fractal_CosmologyCredit: The vocals on Fractal Cosmology was done by Jay Gambit, lead singer of Tin Soldier Empire, and not by me–not because i want him to be credited, but because i dont want to be blamed for that terrible display of ryan.
That's some pretty decent stuff.