SAVE the 64 rpg it's cool but needs work Don't stop now it was entraining!
I know the site has a log in glitch and the border's dont work with FIREF0X also the site just screws with you at times but the RPG was a plus!If you wanted a 64 RPG say so here and now before it's to late! It made us better! Now please save the 64D RPG!THE ONETHE ONLYCOLONEL ALPHA
gimmi the sprites and I'll make a rpg adventure thing.
I have no idea how to to mmo though…put it back, it was optional.
yes I know it is still here also I know it is lame I jest like the idea
I saved alot of the single player rpg :)
rpg() has x/0?
The RPG is awesome. Keep it >:(
RPG + DF81 = :)
windows has made an illegal operation, windows will now shut downit already died :(