[CAR] I need money, FAST

Posted by Carlos on April 17, 2008, 8:20 p.m.

No, I'm not gonna ask you guys to send money to my PayPal account. I'm here to ask of any way how I can get money to go to the prom, AND FAST! I didn't even think about going to prom until last week, when a girl that's in most of my classes asked me if I would like to go with her. Right now, I can buy prom tickets from my school's website for about $330 a couple (I know, expensive!). It includes the dinner, prom photo, and pretty much everything else you can get at a junior prom.

I was broke when the girl asked me out to the prom, but I managed to make $100 so far. I made that money by going around the nearby neighborhoods and empty lots with a group of friends to look for some abandoned furniture. We would load any good furniture we would find into my friend's truck and take it to my garage, where we would give the piece furniture a new paint job, varnish, etc. After that, my brother and I would sell the furniture to pawnbrokers and traders at my local swap meet.

So far my friends and I managed to repair and sell two bookshelves, five barstools, an ironing board, three fairly decent coffee tables and a big chest of drawers. The chest made us the most money, about $30, while the ironing board made us the least, about $5.

This whole furniture thing is bringing in some good money, but I'm afraid that it's not gonna be enough. Do you guys have any suggestions?



sk8m8trix 16 years, 10 months ago

Get a skateboard, get some cardboard, get a sharpie. "Will do stupid tricks for money".

OBELISK 16 years, 10 months ago


Alert Games 16 years, 10 months ago

well, if all else fails, you could ask to borrow some money from your friends, like $20 a person and promise to pay them back.

I dont know what else but to ask your parents :/ I never had to do that before

panzercretin 16 years, 10 months ago

Break other people's furniture for money.

*crash through window*


"That'll be thirty dollars."


"You wanna get hit with this crowbar too?!"

"No, no, here's your money…"

"(honey, we should call the police)"

"(Oh, no, no, I think he lives in the halfway house.)"

"Tell me, where do you live?"



*makes sure nobody looks*

*Takes money from wallets*

*Touches female's boob*

blueBX 16 years, 10 months ago

Well, does your school sell snacks? (chips, chocolate, soda, etc)

If they don't you could go to your nearest store that sells large quantities of chips, soda, etc. After that sell them at school.

Theres a few people that do this at my school. I asked two of them "how much money do you make daily?" Both of them said around $80 a day.

Ferret 16 years, 10 months ago

1:you need a musical instrament + a stool + a basket + a shopping mall

2:clean stuff (cars, house, ect..)

3:sell you pokemon cards (seriously their price isn't going to rise, get rid of 'em!)

4:get into the stock market

5:sell blood or organs

RetroVortex 16 years, 10 months ago

If it were me, I would try get a temp job, (like I did at christmas, and easter when I worked at Tescos).

number 5 of Ferret Co's sugestions also sounds reasonable XD

Omega_Squid 16 years, 10 months ago

I second Ferret's 5th choice. Who needs two eyes, lungs, kidneys or hearts? ;)