LODM Terrain Art or...PROGRESS?! [Kilin]

Posted by Castypher on Oct. 17, 2007, 12:11 p.m.

What? I'm actually WORKING on this game now? Yep, I've finally kicked it into gear with this game. The two things I was the most frustrated were character modeling and terrain. I HAD to have terrain before I could do anything, so that's what I began with.

Modeling will come later. I have to finish a few things on the terrain as well, like atmosphere and shading, maybe with sun shadows.

So, here are some screenshots of a few sectors. Might I add that each sector is twice as large as I planned, making the game much larger than before. I'll have no problem finding places to put secrets or houses, you believe me. In fact, the city, which was supposed to take two sectors, will now share a sector with the forest. There is no way I can make a city like that.

For the sake of loading time, I'll link to them.

Here, we have the scorching desert sector. It's full of ups and downs, as well as one giant dune in the center. This sector shouldn't be too large, but it is.


Next, we have a dawn view of the jungle, or forest sector…without trees. Therefor,e it is not actually a forest yet. This is just the terrain for it so far. Mostly, this place will be dark when you go through. Why? Trees.


And, we have the mountain sector. I need to find a new texture for it, though, like rocks or something. It's far larger than I had intended, so I may redesign it entirely to be slightly smaller with narrower passages and such.


Oh, and look up. Banner. That's actual terrain of the plains with the moon overhead. I just HAD to do the moon first. That's the whole idea of the game, you know?

Next time on Kilin's blog, LODM concept art. You can now see what the character will look like before he is modeled.

Peace out,



Mat 17 years, 4 months ago

Very cool ,except the second link goes to the desert pic.

Castypher 17 years, 4 months ago


Lemme fix them. Thanks. I was in a hurry.

Mat 17 years, 4 months ago

Even better, the mountain one reminds me of shadow of the colossus

Castypher 17 years, 4 months ago

How so? The blotches of green grass against the…dirt?

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 4 months ago

How… bland.

Height dependant shading FTW (meaning the lower a vertex, the darker it is).

Bryan 17 years, 4 months ago

^ Don't do that, use texture splatting.

s 17 years, 4 months ago

Mountain is a little bright and all

The forest terrain looks too fieldish.If it has trees,it'd be more dirtish

And see what you did?Get started on LA and then just jump into LODM

FireflyX 17 years, 4 months ago

I know most 3d in GM but i have no idea how to do terrain. Know any good tutorials?

Castypher 17 years, 4 months ago

@ghg: If you had read, I wasn't finished yet. Terrain shading was my next step.

@serprex: Mountain is too bright, but you have the sky in contrast. It'll be changed. The forest terrain, I'll change, but add trees and it's nicer.

@Firefly: As discriminated as I will be, GMC is your best bet for any 3D tutorial.

I have a few more cominatcha later. I just added a freaking large beach with water, but it has things to work out.