GH3, Inactivity, etc... [Kilin]

Posted by Castypher on Jan. 18, 2008, 1:32 p.m.

DISCLAIMER: Any typographical errors seen in this blog are most likely caused by my poor internet connection at my college campus


Yes, I've been inactive, but I'm relieved to see 64BBCode is back with more features, and I hope the staff will continue to improve on it with anything that could have existed in HTML. They're doing a great job.

In case you've been wondering why I'm so inactive here, let it be known that I have ONCE AGAIN been deprived of my internet priveleges at my house.


Guitar Hero III

Anyhow, I've FINALLY found Guitar Hero III, so any owners out there add me and we'll play on WFC. =D

I know MrPacman and Kenon have it. No excuses for you. <_<

Anyone else who owns the game and would like to play, let me know, gimme a Wii Code, and add my Wii Code. Since I haven't had a chance to connect to Nintendo WFC yet, I don't know if it's the Wii Code I need for that…if it's anything like NDS games, each game will have its own friend code.

Anyhow, if you have the game, add me on MSN or PM me to let me know when you want to play.

Wii Code: 2370-0450-0807-1273

Friend Code: 1676-2742-0764

Never-to-exist Elections

Also, if there are any elections (I hope Arc doesn't get after me for this…), I nominate marbs. Let everybody vote for marbs when elections come. I know we don't do elections, but I still think he'd be good with the job.

New 3D game

Okay, on to other news. If you have me on MSN, youi may know I have yet another project.

Damn, not another one. <_<

However, progress is coming along quite nicely, and don't you say "screenshots or it doesn't exist," because this game will be kept in secrecy as far as concept and such to anyone and everyone who hasn't helped me at all.

In other words, don't ask unless you're on this list.







And if you're not on that list, but are staff, ask away if it so pleases you.


Speaking of Luda, stop pestering me about 64Brawl. I know it's not finished, but it'll get there eventually.

Now, to end with my favorite new 64BBCode tag I've seen…



So, peace out, enjoy your gaming and such.



Castypher 17 years ago

Same fortune…?

Oh, for everyone, my Wii code and Friend code have been posted up there.

I got beaten pretty bad playing Arc, by the way. -_^

F1ak3r 17 years ago

Maybe the staff should add a Wii code field to people's profiles…

Omega_Squid 17 years ago

My God, what was that horrifying video? My eyes are burning! I see the flames! |O|

Castypher 17 years ago

@F1ak3r: But not many people here have Wii's. Not a bad idea, though.

@Omega: And…video? Maybe you refer to the fortune? IT WASN'T ME, I SWEAR!

*blames GearGOD*

s 17 years ago

Since when did I help you with that project? All I've helped you with there is pointing out the obvious

Castypher 17 years ago

I didn't necessarily say with this project, serpy. But if you don't want in, that's fine. All I can get out of you is criticism anyway. Don't get me wrong, criticism is good. I just…never hear anything NICE from you.

*bursts into tears*