Real-Time VS Game-Time [Kilin]

Posted by Castypher on March 3, 2008, 1:36 p.m.

All right, stampede has re-translated my title. LODM shall now be known as…

Kurotsuki no Densetsu

I like it. Has a nice ring to it. So, let LODM also be known as…


Anyhow, working on the time engine at the moment. We have two options…

1. Real-time

2. Game-time

Real-time follows by your computer's clock, like Animal Crossing. Game-time is about one minute per second, making each day about 24 minutes. You can skip hours by sleeping, of course.

Now, the question is how to decide between the two. Real-time is great for longer days and more to do. Along with real-time comes more things to do, longer harder quests, etc. This is for people who plan on playing a lot. The disadvantage, you have to wait long periods for holidays and certain quest events. This is easily solved by changing your computer clock.

Game-time is generally easier, as quests take a little less time, with the exception of the "Dark Moon Quest," in which your game-time will be forced into real-time for the remainder of the day. You then have only until 6:00 AM the next day to finish the entire quest, and it's a very gruelling process.

Another advantage of real-time is being able to do what you want before the season is over. Certain features that were unavailable otherwise will be present. However, things like marriage will be much, much harder. Because in real life, how long does it take to even get a girlfriend?

Also, marbs has brought up the point of relative real-time. Relative real-time is where time travels at the same speed (1 minute = 1 minute), but the players have more control over what time it is. For example, you could have two hours pass simply by taking a nap or something. This would probably be the most interesting.

So, absolute real-time is keeping RIGHT to the computer clock, relative is the same time ratio, but moreso player-decided.

So, the question here…first, which would you use more often?

Absolute Real-time


Relative Real-time



And which would be more fun?

The idea is, game-time is for people who want to play and finish without much gametime. Real-time is meant for the hardcore players that have nothing better to do.

Prizes are awarded more often to people on real-time, as well.

So, go ahead and vote. Thanks for visiting.



F1u 16 years, 7 months ago

Game time ftw.

Castypher 16 years, 7 months ago

Added a new option:

-Absolute real-time (follows exactly with the player's clock)

-Relative real-tme (counts at the same speed, but can stray from the computer clock)

-Game-time (completely player-controlled, way fast)

Take your decision from there now. =D

frenchcon1 16 years, 7 months ago

I think Absolute is probably best, although nothing is quite as standard as game time, and I like real-time games.


PY 16 years, 7 months ago

Either absolute or semi-relative.

Semi as in you can skip forward no more than 6 or so hours, and next time you log on (provided it's after the time you skipped to), you would revert back to absolute.

If you still don't get it… I'm probably in IRC anyway.

s 16 years, 7 months ago

Slow it down and use game time

marbs 16 years, 7 months ago

You know my vote - Relative real-time

stampede 16 years, 7 months ago


- "Monogatari" is "Story"

- "Densetsu" is "Legend"

So if you still want to change :D

s 16 years, 7 months ago

I learned about Monogatari with Doukutsu Monogatari

Josea 16 years, 7 months ago

Game time obviously, honestly, most people won't be willing to spend days playing your game, eh, they'll want something quick.

OBELISK 16 years, 7 months ago

I remember having a conversation with you about this game, and I had to remind you that nobody would want to play a 2D GM game for 130 hourst just for one thing to happen. So I would have to vote game time.