Contest Entry and Lazers [Kilin]

Posted by Castypher on March 28, 2008, 10:47 a.m.


-Kilin has 10k hits. Those last 15 came within 5 minutes.

-ChIkEn was the one who took a screenshot of my 10,000th hit.

-Kilin accidentally fed ChIkEn.

-Since ChIkEn has been fed, he has thwarted the rodents' plots to overtake mankind. Good for ChIkEn.

Anyway, seeing as everyone is making a blog about their contest entries, I've decided to do the same.


To tell the truth, I've had very little time to work on this, therefore it isn't very far yet. I've already announced that it will be made in 3D, and this is not meant to get a better rating solely because of its dimension. It will be a continued project shortly following 64Brawl.


You, as a lixie, have been captured by enemies and abandoned on a deserted island, where they will watch you suffer. Besides torture, they also want to see how good a lixie's survival skills are, so they can find other ways to kill them. Not only do you want to get off the island, but you also want to do so secretly.


The idea behind this is to survive on a deserted island by yourself, avoiding animals and natural disasters. You have only your life force, and when it is depleted, your lixie dies.

So in other words, your health system is the typical cliched HP meter is always is in these types of games.

Besides being a high score system to see how long you can survive, there are multiple ways to get back to civilization. Finding all of them will unlock a final story, which is how the game ultimately ends.

So, without further ado, a screenshot. Yes, it looks terrible, but I'll work on graphics later.

Lixies are much easier to model than humans, anyway.


Your lixie can walk, climb, and occasionally attack. Any contact with hazards will result in a loss of health. You also have certain side meters that you need to take care of, such as hunger and energy. Like in CFL, you will also have abilities that rise with certain foods. For example, if your swimming ability rises, you'll be able to swim faster and stay in the water for longer without drowning.

Multiple Endings

Overall, your survival period is very short. I don't want to have people playing for hundreds of hours just to find the ultimate ending, so you'll have it pretty easy as far as finding out where all of the island's secrets are.

Finally, getting off of the island in every one of five ways will result in one more cutscene, which will let you play one final level, and possibly, a boss.


That's the idea to my entry right now. I'll get quite a bit done on it over the weekend, I hope.

Also, a quote of the day.

Quote: of the day
You kids get off my lawn!

*shakes fist*
One last little bit.

All right, I'm done ranting. What more could you possibly want?

Kilin, signing out.


Castypher 16 years, 7 months ago

Before any of you comment on my screenshot's quality, let me just remind you.

Yes, it looks terrible, but I'll work on graphics later.

PY 16 years, 7 months ago


frenchcon1 16 years, 7 months ago

do want

s 16 years, 7 months ago

How dare you say I've shown my entry, d3d_whore()

Castypher 16 years, 7 months ago

@serp: You're not one to enter contests. I want to see it. =D

ESA 16 years, 7 months ago

The graphics aren't that bad, actually. Especially if it's a WIP.