SSBB Subspace Story [Kilin]

Posted by Castypher on April 10, 2008, 9:46 a.m.

No, I'm not going to reveal secrets here. That's mean. :(

I just found this as I was doing my periodic meddling at the Smash Bros. Dojo. Being very close to the final day of their daily updates, they've released all the information on stickers, trophies, music, and characters. If you've beaten the game and want to get these without too much work, swing on by to the Smash Bros. Dojo! and check it out.

I would sure hope you knew about this place. <_<

So, for everyone who has beaten the Subspace Emissary, you'll notice it has no dialogue. It can be hard to tell what's going on, but that's what this little bit is here for.


This link contains spoilers about the Subspace Emissary's story, and if you want to figure everything out, don't click that link.

You'll find out some interesting secrets that explain everything that was going on throughout the adventure.

Sorry for people who didn't want to know what the last boss was. Everyone's made that pretty clear. :(

Finally, though I haven't played for a week or so, I'm only 90% and have beaten all of Subspace Emissary on intense, including Tabuu. RawrSpoon has passed me up on percentage, and he has the Tabuu trophy, which I never tried to get yet.

Well, sorry that you have to hear SO MUCH ABOUT BRAWL, especially if you hate Nintendo. Just wanted to find something to blog about recently, as I made little progress otherwise.

If you've beaten the Subspace Emissary, go ahead and click that link. If not, beat it first.

Finally, I'm able to Brawl online this weekend. =D

Happy Brawling.



frenchcon1 16 years, 6 months ago


PY 16 years, 6 months ago

I don't care about brawl.

Give me lixies.

mixahman 16 years, 6 months ago

I bought it, pass it, haven't played it since.

OBELISK 16 years, 6 months ago

I have the Tabuu trophy, pretty damn hard to get.

RetroX 16 years, 6 months ago

I'm still trying to get all crowns. Once I get that, then I go for intense.

Also, if you have an SD card, you can download a program named BIN2JPG and convert screenshots to JPEGs. I don't care if they're JPEG, but they make pwning wallpaper.

@PY: STFU, Britard.