Suicide [Kilin]

Posted by Castypher on April 16, 2008, 9:26 a.m.

No, not me. Let's clear that up from the start.

I found I was being played on that whole prom thing, but when I talked to her about it, she denied (of course), and broke our friendship.

The thing I'm most worried about is how she always tells me I'm the only one keeping her alive, and she mentioned that again recently. Then she made it clear she had no reason to live.

I don't know what to do. I'm really stuck. She was a really good friend of mine, and now it's possible she'll be taking her own life. I might need some advice from some of you guys. This is very serious, no jokes.

Sorry for the lack of content, but this is important. I hope it'll stay in the front page long enough.


Xxypher 16 years, 6 months ago

Tell an adult, her parents, the police.


Castypher 16 years, 6 months ago

I really think it's another dramatic reaction a lot of teenage girls have. But I'm not sure of anything anymore.

@Xxy: I have no connection with her friend or parents. I really am stuck. My mom's got a lot of experience in this area, and she just tells me to give her a few days and that she's trying to make me feel sympathetic.

RetroX 16 years, 6 months ago

Don't tell everybody, but tell somebody. Anybody. Just make sure that you don't keep it a secret, because if you do, you'll be stuck with this memory and it will haunt you. Don't let her die; tell somebody.

sk8m8trix 16 years, 6 months ago

My friend almost killed herself once. Just make them happy, just keep telling her how much she means to you.

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 6 months ago


I found I was being played on that whole prom thing, but when I talked to her about it, she denied (of course), and broke our friendship.

The thing I'm most worried about is how she always tells me I'm the only one keeping her alive, and she mentioned that again recently. Then she made it clear she had no reason to live.

I agree with Ronni. The best thing you can do is tell someone you trust. When your friend is considering suicide, it doesn't matter how close you are. I've seen it happen.

s 16 years, 6 months ago

The question you must first answer is, why does she say she will commit suicide? So many people act all down on themselves because they have this addiction to being supported by others. This weird idea that constant support is required to always validate self worth. In that case, she needs a different treatment then if she was to be serious. And if she's serious, then it depends on the reasons why she would think such silly things

Cesar 16 years, 6 months ago

It's a stupid trick meaning that she wants you. You shouldn't fall for that. If you truly were the only reason for her to live, you would have gotten laid already, and that's not an exaggeration.

firestormx 16 years, 6 months ago

You can't help her, it's that simple. All you can do is be there for her, and steer her in the direction of professional help. If she threatens to kill herself, call the cops. She'll probably hate you, and she'll probably be resistant to any help they try give her, but at least she'll be in the records, and when she's ready for help, she'll feel better about getting it. You trying to fix her suicidal tendancies, is like trying to fix her broken bones. You can make her comfortable, but that's about all you can do without any training.

Xxypher 16 years, 6 months ago

For once, Sk8 makes since.

Castypher 16 years, 6 months ago

@serprex: I can probably safely assume she's doing it for some sort of attention. The person she is wouldn't have acted out so badly. I just don't get it.

@Rawr: No, she's interested in her girlfriend, not me. She's still being cheated on, yet she persists.

@FSX: I don't even live near her. I don't know what I can do, but I'm tired of being under this much pressure. I don't know if in this society, a suicide threat is reason enough to call the police. She's been suicidal a few years ago, but I think it's an empty threat because I didn't do what she wanted.

I'm still too confused to do anything. It's not like her to break a friendship so suddenly. She's being awfully defensive about my accusation, too. =/