CFL Chemical List [Kilin]

Posted by Castypher on April 22, 2008, 11:14 a.m.

So, I've been hard at work on this silly genetics kit. It's been annoying, but fortunately, everything seems to be working nicely. However, the fun stuff will be later. Right now, I'm getting the basic gene list down.

So, here's the entire list, plus a few descriptions. Most of these chemicals have been taken from the Creatures franchise, but they're pretty realistic. If you're wondering on any other descriptions, just ask. Enjoy.


0 - <nothing> - "Just that. Nothing"

1 - Lactate - "Product of fermentation of pyruvate. Causes muscle burn."

2 - Pyruvate - "An intermediate, the product of anaerobic respiration."

3 - Glucose - "Produced from starch. Used up by muscle action."

4 - Glycogen - "Short-term energy. Produces glucose to replenish supplies for muscle action."

5 - Starch - "Converts to glucose for energy."

6 - Fatty Acid - "Building block"

7 - Cholesterol - "Vital steroid"

8 - Triglyceride - "First step in forming adipose tissue."

9 - Adipose Tissue - "High-density carbon storage in Thaiban lifeforms."

10 - Fat - "Food storage of fatty acid."

11 - Muscle Tissue - "Amino acid storage."

12 - Protein - "Food source of amino acid."

13 - Amino Acid - "Building block"


14 - Downatrophin - "Emitted on downslopes"

15 - Upatrophin - "Emitted on upslopes"


16 - Dissolved Carbon Dioxide - "Waste product from conversion of glucose to energy."

17 - Urea - "Non-toxic product of carbon dioxide and ammonia."

18 - Ammonia - "Toxic product of using amino acid for fuel."

19 - Air

20 - Oxygen

21 - Water

22 - Energy

23 - ATP - "High-energy side of phosphate chemistry"

24 - ADP - "Low-energy side of phosphate chemistry"


25 - Arousal Potential

26 - Libido Lowerer

27 - Opposite Sex Pheromone

28 - Oestrogen

29 - Progesterone

30 - Testosterone

31 - Inhibin


32 - Heavy Metals

33 - Cyanide

34 - Beladonna

35 - Geddonase

36 - Glycotoxin

37 - Sleep Toxin

38 - Fever Toxin

39 - Histamine A

40 - Histamine B

41 - Alcohol

42 - ATP Decoupler

43 - Carbon Monoxide

44 - Fear Toxin

45 - Muscle Toxin

46 - Antigen0

47 - Antigen1

48 - Antigen2

49 - Antigen3

50 - Antigen4

51 - Antigen5

52 - Antigen6

53 - Antigen7

54 - Wounded


55 - Medicine One

56 - Antioxidant

57 - Prostaglandin

58 - EDTA

59 - Sodium Thiosulphite

60 - Arnica

61 - Vitamin E

62 - Vitamin C

63 - Antihistamine

64 - Antibody0

65 - Antibody1

66 - Antibody2

67 - Antibody3

68 - Antibody4

69 - Antibody5

70 - Antibody6

71 - Antibody7


72 - Anibolic Steroid

73 - Pistle

74 - Insulin

75 - Glycolase

76 - Dehydrogenase

77 - Adrenaline

78 - Lixie Nitrate

79 - Bad Animal Nitrate

80 - Good Animal Nitrate

81 - Critter Nitrate

82 - Protease

83 - Activase

84 - Life

85 - Injury

86 - Stress

87 - Sleepase

//Drive Backups

88 - Pain Backup

89 - Hunger Backup

90 - Thirst Backup

91 - Coldness Backup

92 - Hotness Backup

93 - Tiredness Backup

94 - Sleepiness Backup

95 - Loneliness Backup

96 - Crowded Backup

97 - Fear Backup

98 - Boredom Backup

99 - Anger Backup

100 - Sex Drive Backup

101 - Comfort Backup

//Drive Levels

102 - Pain

103 - Hunger

104 - Thirst

105 - Coldness

106 - Hotness

107 - Tiredness

108 - Sleepiness

109 - Loneliness

110 - Crowded

111 - Fear

112 - Boredom

113 - Anger

114 - Sex Drive

115 - Comfort


116 - CA Smell 0

117 - CA Smell 1

118 - CA Smell 2

119 - CA Smell 3

120 - CA Smell 4

121 - CA Smell 5

122 - CA Smell 6

123 - CA Smell 7

124 - CA Smell 8

125 - CA Smell 9

126 - CA Smell 10

127 - CA Smell 11

128 - CA Smell 12

129 - CA Smell 13

130 - CA Smell 14

131 - CA Smell 15

132 - CA Smell 16

133 - CA Smell 17

134 - CA Smell 18

135 - CA Smell 19


136 - Stress H4C

137 - Stress H4P

138 - Stress H4F

139 - Stress Anger

140 - Stress Fear

141 - Stress Pain

142 - Stress Sleep

143 - Stress Tired

144 - Stress Crowded


145 - Disappointment

146 - Up Drive

147 - Down Drive

148 - Exit Drive

149 - Enter Drive

150 - Wait

151 - Reward

152 - Punishment

153 - Brain chemical 9

154 - Brain chemical 10

155 - Brain chemical 11

156 - Brain chemical 12

157 - Brain chemical 13

158 - Brain chemical 14

159 - Pre-REM

160 - REM

You'll need to know most of these in order to be a genetic developer. They'll all be used, so as long as you have the basic idea or use one of my genetics files as a template, you should be fine.

Any other questions, go ahead and ask.



Castypher 16 years, 6 months ago

Sorry, there were too many descriptions to mention them all. If you want to know what something is, just ask me.

PY 16 years, 6 months ago



Kenon 16 years, 6 months ago


Xxypher 16 years, 6 months ago


Juju 16 years, 6 months ago

11 - Muscle Tissue - "Amino acid storage."
Eh. Not quite!

14 - Downatrophin - "Emitted on downslopes"
The way animals tell up from down occurs in three broad ways - one, water orientation in ears or other channels; two, by creating a hormone that sinks to the bottom of cells; three, by using small tendrils that droop in the direction of gravity. It's not very useful to have two hormones to tell up and down, it's probably better to use an inactively transported hormone and let the multicellular life alter accordingly.

It's strange who you've gone into insane depth with some stuff but have really held back with others.

Castypher 16 years, 6 months ago

@Juju: You have to remember these animals aren't really animals, nor are they nearly as complex as they could be. Therefore, their bodies are built a bit differently. Muscle tissue in this game only functions to store amino acid.

Upatrophin and downatrophin are, of course, nonexistent, but used for these creatures to tell when they're traveling upward or downward.

This was all done purposely, but if you think I can go into better detail on some things or hold back on others, I'd be glad to hear your opinion.

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 6 months ago

Cool stuff, this.

Amarin 16 years, 6 months ago

Wow, this is awesome.

s 16 years, 6 months ago

Care to say how you plan to implement this?

Castypher 16 years, 6 months ago

@serprex: Each lixie will have their own bodily functions, both vital and optional. These can be passed down, lost, duplicated, or mutated throughout generations, but what I'm focusing on is giving them lifelike body systems.