Not gonna tag my blog this time. Silly little trends. I just need to blog moar.
Let's start with a lovely picture.
Good ol' Pokey. But nobody wants to see him.
We all love Mr. Saturn, because he doesn't afraid of anything.
I suppose in order to keep with the trend, I have to mention Ronnica. Well…what to say that hasn't already been said? She still owes Zane a voice. <_<
She's doing a few lixie voices at the moment, and besides a small need in a pitch raise, they're very good.
No, RawrSpoon, I'm not going to overload the game with WAV sounds. <_<
Anyway, on the topic of CFL, I have made enemies to help you in your quest of killing lixies.
Saving lixies is no fun anyway.
Also, any idea on when the english version of Mother 3 will be released? It looks pretty fun.
A final pic.
Mr. Saturn doesn't afraid of anything.
You uncaring fiend!
marbedit: removed EPIC pagestretch =)Yoshiedit: Replaced EPIC pagestretch. (Joke :P)marbedit #2: Technically that's not a Yoshiedit, since only staff can edit posts, whereas you had to delete and repost it =Pstevenupedit: Yay, I can hack comments now!.
I r edit, k?marbedit: I edit faster :DObedit: Actually I do :Dstevenupedit: HAY GYSObedit: BAWWWWWWTHIS TEXT IS HUGE
Obedit: need I say it?Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey Xray Yankee Zulu.
Go me, wrote all that in one miunute 30 from memory ^_^0118999881999119725311235813rawr
this is not big :/\(
slgedit: this is not bigWhy does my blog always turn into a page stretching contest? <_<
I blame PY. And john, I'm deleting your comment, kthx.Damnit, marbsydoo is one step ahead of me.
Marbs, you can't see that, ok?BUT OBEL CAN LOL