DF is funny.

Posted by Castypher on May 18, 2008, 7:37 p.m.

Sir Kilin says:


Sir Kilin says:

It's a DF

Sir Kilin says:


Kitsune says:


Sir Kilin says:

PIKACHU's defense fell!

Sir Kilin says:

PIKACHU used tackle!

Kitsune says:


Sir Kilin says:

PIKACHU's defense fell sharply!

Sir Kilin says:

Pikachu charges his powah!

Kitsune pouncwa

Kitsune says:


Sir Kilin says:


Sir Kilin says:

PIKACHU fainted!

Sir Kilin sends out Charmander.

Kitsune uses hugglez

Sir Kilin says:

CHARMANDER lost all will to fight!

Sir Kilin switches CHARMANDER out with SQUIRTLE.

Sir Kilin says:

SQUIRTLE uses bubblebeam!

Sir Kilin says:

The attack was ineffective…

Kitsune uses Vanish

Kitsune seems to disappear

Sir Kilin says:

SQUIRTLE can't find its target.

Kitsune is camoflagued

Kitsune uses sneak

Kitsune sneaks closer

Sir Kilin says:

SQUIRTLE stands still and listens.

Kitsune pauses

Kitsune pounces

Sir Kilin says:

SQUIRTLE used withdraw!

Kitsune calls a psychologist!

Sir Kilin says:


Sir Kilin says:

SQUIRTLE has its head stuck in its shell and is unable to move.

Sir Kilin switches SQUIRTLE out with RAWRSPOON!

Kitsune runs from battle!

Sir Kilin says:

RAWRSPOON is playing his guitar and doesn't seem to notice the situation.

Sir Kilin says:

Wild DESERTFOX has fled.

Sir Kilin uses CIRIBOT's special ability to try and track down the wild DESERTFOX.

Kitsune jumps on ciribot

Kitsune says:

ciribot doesnt notice, and cant find Kitsune

Sir Kilin says:

CIRIBOT makes a block!

Sir Kilin says:

The attack was ineffective!

Sir Kilin says:

DESERTFOX got away…

Kitsune bats at ciribots ears

Kitsune says:

ciribot doesnt notice

Sir Kilin says:


Sir Kilin says:


Kitsune runs like hell

Sir Kilin retreats

Sir Kilin says:

JAKEX has joined the battle!

Kitsune says:

JAKEX fights himself without anyone else around

Sir Kilin says:

JAKEX mysteriously tracks down DESERTFOX.

Sir Kilin says:

JAKEX uses teleport!

Kitsune laughs because it was a decoy

Sir Kilin says:

DESERTFOX has been teleported into a tetris game.

Sir Kilin says:

But it was a fake!

Sir Kilin says:

JAKEX's mood is angry.

Sir Kilin says:

JAKEX takes his anger out on a nearby tree!

Kitsune says:

that tree was really Sir Kilin which the DF disguised as a tre

Kitsune says:


Sir Kilin has been teleported into a Tetris game!

Kitsune says:

sir kilin turns into a mindless jakex fanboy

Sir Kilin says:

KILIN is worshipping JAKEX

Kitsune says:


Sir Kilin says:

KILIN's popularity has gone down 10000000 points!

Kitsune says:

how is he worshipping?

Kitsune says:

on his knees :P

Kitsune says:


People who hate DF are idiots.


s 16 years, 5 months ago


Castypher 16 years, 5 months ago

Hey, I hardly talk to him. D=

frenchcon1 16 years, 5 months ago

DF hates me.

PY 16 years, 5 months ago

I like DF, he is a cool fox.