Lixies Adventures World 1 [Kilin]

Posted by Castypher on Sept. 19, 2008, 12:53 p.m.

So I figured it was time to blog, since I don't really do it very often. Here's my current focus: Lixies Adventures World 1.

Yeah, I bet you're all thinking, "Damn you, Kilin! What happened to LODM, Lixies Arena, CFL, and 64Brawl? Why do you always postpone everything like this?!

The answer is, it all depends on my interest at the moment. If I can work well with another game, and even get a WIP release out, I'll be happier and more motivated to finish everything else. Besides, I'm leaving 64Brawl to Andes for a while.

For all other questions, please refer to my hit counter. Thank you.

On to the content!

Running is now an option!

Here we have the tutorial level. It's what we call world 1-0. World Zero was already taken, and will be used later in the game. As the picture's caption states, you can now run in this game, allowing you to jump over large gaps and outrun pursuing enemies.

Hey, you can slide too!

Huh…neat little skill here. Sliding is useful to squeeze your character through small gaps. Aside from that, it acts as a basic counter attack. You'll use it occasionally, but you have to be careful, because once you start sliding, you can't stop until the friction takes effect.


It's true. Now world bosses carry a stolen elemental stone that you can add to your collection. This makes them a bit more interesting than previous world bosses, because there's a lot more to dodge.

Ah, the battle's over. Time to add the Fire Crystal to our collection.

After defeating an Elemental Boss, you can take back the Crystal which they stole. Each Crystal is unique in two ways:

1 - The elemental power it gives you

2 - The passive power it gives you

The elemental power is by far the most noticeable. In each level, you can switch between the elemental Crystals you have to use different powerups, useful in different areas. For example, the Fire Crystal lets you breathe a ball of fire, and when you power it up, it allows you to breathe a constant flame. The elemental powers are extremely useful in later levels.

The passive powers, however, are less noticeable, but extremely helpful. The Fire Crystal, for example, raises your attack power by a point, which is very useful in the future. As you upgrade these Crystals, you raise the passive powers even more, which puts some kind of an RPG element into it.

So, I'll probably go back to work on LODM after World 1 is finished, so if you want a playable demo, it'll be here very soon.

On other news, Kilin has a girlfriend. Yaaaaaaay.

Well, I've got to leave now, so enjoy the screenshots.



PY 16 years, 1 month ago

lixies :3

That elements stuff could be pretty awesome if done right.

Else I can just stare at the lixies :3

Castypher 16 years, 1 month ago

No more of those page-stretching comments, please.

Cpsgames 16 years, 1 month ago


s 16 years, 1 month ago

Bat isn't breathing fire, bat is shitting fire

I think you were telling me I needed a girlfriend because you needed a girlfriend

F1ak3r 16 years, 1 month ago

An idea is worth nothing. A design document is worth a little. A prototype is worth a bit more. A game is worth a lot.

Castypher 16 years, 1 month ago

@serprex: Who's to say the bat's mouth isn't where his bladder's supposed to be?

s 16 years, 1 month ago

The bat is to say