Happy Birthday Kilin! :D

Posted by Castypher on Oct. 16, 2008, 2:02 a.m.

The one day of the year I have to look forward to isn't even that great, but it's a birthday nonetheless. This specific one is supposed to put me in a position much different from anything previously experienced.

Yes, Kilin is 18, which means…

-I can now vote.

-I can now move out.

-I can now be considered an adult.

Ah, yes, adulthood is one of the bigger steps of any man's life, but in truth, there's nothing special here. I'm still at home and going to college. Nothing different or unusual.

As far as voting (for those of you in the US), I'm already registered to vote. By influence (and common sense), I'm planning to vote for Obama. If any of you don't like him, then too bad. I like him better than McCain because McCain keeps contradicting himself.


and over


So I want a less confused president, though there's no doubt something will be wrong with him.

Elections aren't voting for who's going to help the country. Now it's voting for the lesser of the two evils and I don't want a guy who can't remember what he said running the country.

On other news, I'm working on a shmup for YYG's little competition. It might be the first game I even finish. I've already got the waves system plus one boss down, in addition to:



-Enemy patterns

-Upgradeable shield

-Upgradeable weapons


Luck is the rarity of items. The higher your luck, the better the chance.

Also bear in mind that I'm not exactly experienced with shmups, so I've changed some things a bit to give it a more interesting look. Health is one of them.

I guess we'll see where this ends up, eh? One of the top games is 3D. How silly.

Anyhow, leave your cookies and brownies by the door, I'll pick 'em up later.


Cesar 16 years ago

Also. Happy birthday :3