So many of you remember my last blog with my newly announced game, right? I thought so.
Anyway, I've been hard at work on it and now it's ready for another testing version. So without further ado, the download link.
Current Version: V0.3a (alpha release)Changes since V0.1+Changed wave style+Added a title menu+Added difficulties+Added handicap+Added accuracy+Changed the end-of-level score table+Increased ship speed+Changed plasma color+Added level music+Changed boss music+Added lives+Added enemy collisions+Added regeneration+Added glow+Changed blue enemies+Completely redone boss+Changed shield damageDifficulty changes include:-More bullets-More enemies-Lower max luck-Lower HP recovery from healthpacks-Fewer lives-Higher reward score-Increased damage from enemies-Increased enemy HP-Decreased regeneration rateTo do list:-Finish tutorial-Finish online high score tables

Holy shit *downloads*
Initial score: 6400
Time Taken: 228.77 secsTime Bonus: 1457Powerup Bonus: 2648Damage Taken: 353Damage Penalty: -3530Accuracy: 48%Acc. Bonus:0Combo Bonus: 6400Difficulty Bonus: 15000Handicap Penalty: 0I think that the difficulty bonus should be higher because I play on easy and got a high score :p I don't know but impossible should give me a higher score I think.also the accuracy bonus is difficult to get when you get a better weapon since the bullets fly everywhere.Also two ships appeared in one of my games after I accidentally took the tutorial I couldn't control it though.You should've made the difficulty bonus a percentage… like I told you >_>
Yay for having to powerup to be able to kill anything by crashing (Didn't work so well on Impossible). It seemed to reset to normal after playing on Impossibleplanes don't work in space
^shut the fuck up
Yeah, it's not a plane, it's a GEO ROCKET.
There is a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE, and they don't look EXACTLY the same (if you look really hard)