DAMMIT!Oh. You know that "picture is worth a thousand words" excuse that everyone uses? What? It doesn't apply? Wups.
*tags blog*
I was in the paper.Scroll down to the photo. I'm the weird-looking guy in front with the guitar. There's your damned picture. Now I owe you nothing, you hear?
PS: The girl on the drums is hot.
you look like a pretty cool person. you also have my hat.
no, the girl on the drums is NOT hot.
Jade Norberg, eh? Quite the name.
It's actually "Jaed," but the damned newspaper people spelled it wrong.
Also, I can't get you that information, as I'm a fugitive and am sporting fake information. I wouldn't want you to turn me in because my credit card number didn't work.George…Luna?
we must even the playing feild
>:| Don't test me
@Cyrus: I dub thee…GeorgeMoon. Or even better…