Hey, Maw, Look What I Made

Posted by Castypher on April 29, 2010, 12:59 a.m.

So I was messing around with Terminys today, and actually got the combat system to work. Here are some details:

- On contact with an enemy, you go into a battle map, where you fight a random number of them, based on the difficulty

- You can fight flies, the temporary test enemy, which don't attack you

- Inventory is now saved, including stacks of items (non-combat but still important)

- Hits and crits, along with damage "wiggle"

So here I am, feeling good about everything. I figured, hell, let's mess around a bit. Spawn 1,000 flies in combat.

Works fine, takes a few minutes to kill them all, and awards a decent amount of experience.

So…I played with a 1,000 for a bit. Then I got bored. What next? 5,000? 10,000? Let's see how much it can support and how long it'll take me to kill them all.

Well I spawned 1,000,000 flies.

That didn't go well.

The game's got 30-45 seconds between each frame, and surprisingly, I'm still watching it.

So while it's doing that, I decided to do a frontal wave attack. Thus, this weird image was born.

Of course you can see the million flies. Then the yellow-white stuff is the damage counter. White numbers are normal hits, yellows are crits (off of a 1% chance. That's a lot of crit).

Looks kind of like a building, eh? What? No it doesn't? Oh….

What about…

Aidan fires his l4z0r?



I was actually surprised at how simple it was to make an RPG. Here I was thinking "GM can't do RPGs because it sucks." But with a little actual thinking, it's not too hard at all.

I s'pose I could have a demo ready next week. It's polished pretty well for a WIP, I think (though not nearly as good as DSG's of course). Though, in order to play this one, you'll actually need to take time out of your busy, busy days. I know. It hurts. And I don't expect that much of you.

Besides, I'm retreating to Wyoming with my uncle for the summer. Might see you guys less, might see you more. Yes, Wyoming is barren as hell, but it'll be fun. It's sort of an internship, maintaining computers, websites, and networks.

Until next time, 64D. Enjoy the walls of text,

Half an hour later, still 20 frames in. Wheeee.


GODDAMMIT, GM forced an abort. Now I'll never solve that mystery.

Excuse me while I cry in my corner.


Unaligned 14 years, 5 months ago

I haven't attempted to make an RPG, but I'm guessing the combat (if it's turn based) shouldn't be too difficult. What I think is more of a challenge is getting all the quests/NPCs/enemies/variables/argh to work correctly.

Enjoy your time in Wyoming.

Castypher 14 years, 5 months ago

The game's actually real-time. I think turn-based is a bit more difficult, but it's a little less fun (though sometimes more relaxed) in my opinion.

Really my only issue is the number of variables I'm going to have to save to keep track of quests and story progress, including who you've talked to. It's not hard; it's just a lot of variables.

Quietus 14 years, 5 months ago

battle sequences are cool, i approve.

Ferret 14 years, 5 months ago

Is it top down or side scroll? Either way I'm interested in seeing how you handled the combat in this.


MAH BOI, what happened to the lixy think?

Castypher 14 years, 5 months ago

Well, I tried using XNA and C#. That didn't go well. But I'm picking up OOP starting with Java in the fall.

Also, Google Chrome is weird. Just picked it up but it's pretty shiny. You can friggin' resize textfields.