Terminys - First Playable Demo

Posted by Castypher on May 9, 2010, 10:09 a.m.

HEY LOOK, GUYS! I'm trying to revive an old 64D idea. You know, game making? Haven't had enough of those lately. This is mostly a community site, but an occasional game can't hurt, right? Right?

Maybe this one can. It's not really a quick casual game. You might need to sit with it for a while. The demo can take twenty minutes (if you're me) to more than an hour (if you're just plain bad).

Well, minus the cutscenes. There are a lot of them to start with.

Oh, and 64D still has issues uploading ~10MB files.

Awwk. Anyway.

Did I tell you I was going to finally get a demo of this game? Yeah, I estimated last week. But now, after quite a bit of hard work on it, it's ready for a test run. Since I plan to have a near-wall-of-text, here's the download link if you want to save yourself some time.


Unzip the file. The game stores your save data and you may not be able to load it if you don't unzip first.


Genre: Real-Time RPG

Mediocre graphics

MIDIs with one MP3

Lots and lots of headbanging


Arrow keys - Move around

Z - Menu selection, talking, use Ether Spark (combat)

X - Hold to run

A (combat) - Hold to recharge 20 Ether Points

S (combat) - Use equipped spell (Ether Wave is the only one for now)

Q/E (combat) - Cycle through your current spells

Enter (out of combat) - Show inventory

As far as the story goes, I'll go ahead and spoil it a bit. The demo covers the character's youth portion, and ends right before he grows up. So if you feel like you can't connect with this kid, then rejoice, as you'll get to play as someone…more your age.


The cutscenes aren't fully polished yet and some of the character battle animations suck, but I hope you'll realize that this is indeed a WIP, and I nearly settled for no animations at all.

Anyway, the combat system is probably the most interesting part of the game. For now, there's only one type of enemy, and two bosses. The enemy is a fly, which is pretty much my test dummy. They don't attack you, but you might have to chase them around a bit.

Another thing is the real-time party system. There are a few different types of party members: attack, support, or strategy. Each of them have different tactical priorities. The tactics are:

Idle (stand, usually only after the battle is over)

Retreat (try to get away from an enemy. Attack characters never retreat)

Support (return to the player to heal or buff. Even when healing themselves, they get near you so you can protect them)

Attack (attack nearby enemies. Support characters rarely attack)

Pursue (follow an enemy until an opportunity opens. Strategic characters use this most, but attack characters might)

Flee (run wildly without regard to allies or enemies. After the player dies, party members will often flee. A good party member might try to revive you instead)

Your sister is your only party member for now, but she fights with you, and it actually gets pretty fun. She's a support character, so she won't attack or pursue an enemy. When your character's health gets low, she'll forget about everything else and try to heal you. So if you find yourself low in health, stay near her.

Anyway, I need a few comments on the difficulty of the game, especially the transition between fighting flies and the first boss. The last fight can potentially be won at level 1, but you probably won't get past the first boss without a little attack power. Extra HP helps too.

Finally, let's get some screenshots up.

Earthbound Players - Look similar?

One of many cutscenes

I have no idea who's talking to you, but I'm trying to balance seriousness with slight humor

This is the tutorial battle, because I felt this game needs one

You'll get to love these guys. Yes, I meant for the little rhyme

Quick shot of the battle screen

Here's the first boss fight. I had trouble getting a good shot, because this fight is very fast-paced

So there it is. Please feel free to give the game a try. Let me know of any bugs, suggestions, or pretty much anything.

I guess this is when I see how many people are actually interested, eh?

And if you're having issues with a boss, I'll give hints here if needed.

Happy playing.


Cesque 14 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, that was one of the few changes. I halved the transition time. Hopefully that's not TOO fast, eh?

I'm happy now. ^___^

But I ALSO raised experience, because due to the random number of enemies you get per fight, sometimes I wasn't hitting level 3 before the boss. Even with 5 experience per, I'm still having trouble hitting level 4, but now the boss is, in your words, piss-easy.

Hmm, make him harder via some other means :P Maybe give him an attack where he shoots out leaves in a circular pattern clockwise (and/or make them deal more damage)? Or something of that sort.

Castypher 14 years, 5 months ago

Problem with that is what I think is easy, others think is hard, since I know my own game. Being the first boss, I can't make it too hard, but at the same time, I wanted to make full use of the party system, since the second boss is fought by yourself.

Or maybe I'll make you fight with a raven on the second boss, and make all of them hard.


Ronnica 14 years, 5 months ago

You lost me at "game making."

Castypher 14 years, 5 months ago



Ferret 14 years, 5 months ago

Hai kilin. :3

Castypher 14 years, 5 months ago