Some Music, and Revisiting LODM

Posted by Castypher on July 6, 2010, 1:34 p.m.

It's been a while since I've done a decent blog, because I wouldn't count the Patrick one.

Anyway, I did a bit of music recently actually on request. But since I don't think they're going to use it, I'm going to go ahead and post it here. It's fairly short, but I think it turned out pretty well. I took off the looping compatibility though.

I specialize in boss and battle music. So that's what this is. Asking me to make anything else is like asking a cat to bark. It doesn't work well.

Let me hear what you have to say on it. Note: Google Chrome opens a player instead of forcing you to download and open it manually.

Next topic, a return to an old project I like to call Legend of the Dark Moon, which has since undergone a lot of drastic changes. For one, the title is in need of a change, because the Dark Moon is no longer the focus of the plot, and it's instead about several battling factions and the two gods that were previously involved.

The main reason I did no work on this was that when porting it from GM7 to GM8, it keeled over and died. I was getting all sorts of errors from my account registration system to file loading. A couple days ago, I decide I'd fix it, and I found it was due to a ton of little coding errors GM7 let slide, but GM8 yelled at me for.

So the project's back on its feet. The other thing keeping me from working on it was the huge need for character graphics and tilesets, and me being as bad of a pixel artist as I am, I couldn't set aside the massive amount of time I'd need to put it together.

Last night, I decided to see what I was up against. I drew a brick wall and cobblestone floor, which turned out well. I followed a tutorial to draw a goddamned tree, which as you can probably guess didn't turn out well. Finally today I finished a field tileset.

Tilesets I still need to work on are buildings and dungeons.

Since this is getting a bit lengthy, I'll try to finish up faster.

The dialog engine got a huge revamp, and looks a lot better, though it doesn't have the typewriter effect. I implemented a choice system to give your character a little voice based on your actions, because this is a do-anything sort of game.

The first combat area is called the "Void Sorcerer's Dungeon," which is based in the Void Sorcerer's Tower, the home of a man who revives you when you die, and offers portals to areas you've visited, just so you can get back to where you were before.

Upon death, you don't lose money, experience or items. You lose "Void Coins" which you earn from the dungeon and various minigames. And their only use is currently to revive.

Also did some effect work. The dungeon is looking great so far. Next blog I'll start putting up screenshots.

So before anyone tells me tl;dr, I'll have you know I said it first.

Until next time.


eagly 14 years, 3 months ago

Legend Of the Several Battling Factions and the Two Gods That Were Previously Involved.

Short and snappy.