As 64D, Should We....

Posted by Castypher on Aug. 8, 2010, 7:17 p.m.

I lost the suggestions forum post, and since I'm too lazy to find it, I decide to blog about it. Besides, I need to blog more, and be a little more active on the site.

Disclaimer: This will be a rant, so bear with me.

So as far as I know, this is still a game-making site. And now we're getting a lot of submissions, right? That's excellent. Really helps step up the activity. The activity feed is a huge addition that has done nothing but help the site. The only thing that seems to help less (but still does some good I'm sure), however, is the blog preview section. It's no big deal, since the activity feed greatly makes up for it.

Anyhow, the point of this blog wasn't to discuss the activity feed. This is targeted to game mods in particular (and by that I mean those who actually go through the queue). It seems like we're accepting anything and everything that's submitted. It's good for activity, but people have talked about the 64Digits image, and it's somewhat bad for it.

Have we not talked about the 64D image? Before you say that, bear in mind the censorship that we have. Still can't curse in blog titles, and still can't post offensive pictures (thank God). So obviously some people care about our image, and that's why this blog is here.

I ask why we accept games that clearly took no time to design. I'm talking Click the Clown, I'm talking 1945 clones, anything that doesn't look innovative or original in any way. Or anything that's done with very little time and care.

First games are understandable, but should they really push the better games off of the recent submissions page? Some people care a lot about their games and put their hearts into them, and they won't last a minute on the front page.

As of now, and sadly, the front page is the only attention games are getting (with the exception of a select few).

I suggest being a little more frugal in accepting games. If the person really wants their game to get attention, why not post a series of blogs about it? DSG is doing just fine that way, and he's getting endless attention. Rez is doing the same, despite posting a demo earlier.

If you don't care about the 64D image, then let me backtrack to the fact that no matter how good your game is, it has just as much frontpage time as anyone else. It's fair, sure, but at the same time, it's not. It's as I said before. Some people really care about their work and put all their being into making a great game for it to get little attention.

The site's definitely improving, and I'm very satisfied with the work the staff's doing. But there are some things I feel might make it better.

I understand this is somewhat controversial, so please keep your comments civil.

And if you didn't read it, you're a lazy bastard (yes, know it's long).


mazimadu 14 years, 2 months ago

As much as I would like to see more(Quality) games submitted on this site, making sure the good games are seen and played would definitely become an issue. Personally I think a system where new games are played & rated by members(mostly the mods or long time users to keep people from abusing the system) in an evaluation phase before they are posted on the front page(or even kept on the site) should be most effective. This should make queue waiting times faster and would encourage more community participation. Newgrounds has been using a similar system for years and seems to be doing nicely.


It's not like I'm asking for a feature to automatically transfer my comments to/from BlogSpot or whatever that place was, right? Riiiight?


blackhole 14 years, 2 months ago

Newgrounds also has tens of thousands of people voting on those entries every day. We have about… 8.

Juju 14 years, 2 months ago

Newgrounds is also older than the internet.

Acid 14 years, 2 months ago


firestormx 14 years, 2 months ago

Spectacular job, Kabob! I do think it would be nice to have better quality games, but like it was stated before, we don't really have enough games to be picky.

Castypher 14 years, 2 months ago

Well once Depths and Aeronesia (among others) are released, we'll be asking for more featured game spots.