Anime Convention? What, Kilin?

Posted by Castypher on Oct. 13, 2010, 1:05 p.m.

Yes, I know the title says things about me people didn't care to know. Animes are cool, but I don't watch them much. I mostly did this for support and got a little fun out of it as well.

I actually postponed this because I was waiting for photos to be sent to me. There were some really interesting things.

A month or two back, I made a deal with my brother to go with him, his girlfriend, and her sister to an anime convention just for kicks. I'd never been to a convention and though I don't really watch anime (or television/movies in general), I thought it might be fun.

So this past weekend

Let me put it this way. It was one big costume party. Keep in mind that this was my first convention.

First and foremost, there was a TF2 gang. The pyro, the sniper, the scout, and the medic were all there. The pyro was fun. Sounded like him, looked exactly like him (minus the rubber), and spychecked everyone who walked past him. The crew was the focus of many a camera for nearly half an hour.

I also saw Yukari and Suika, for those who are familiar with Touhou. Then, some guy brought DDR loaded with Touhou songs. I think he just made a ton of fans, because they were all asking what the tracks were from and how they could get them.

Also, there was a little SSBB up there. They modded it later and it stopped being fun.

Also, there were a SHITLOAD of Links. And the funny thing, 75% of them were girls.

I didn't want to rant here without photos. Maybe I'll get some up later. Being the Touhou-nerd I am, I found a Reimu and Marisa doll, bought them for a pretty mean price, and they are now sitting next to my computer.

They look somewhat like this:

Dolls are stupid but I love these ones.

So I got to have a very nerdy weekend, and now it's back to school and work while I wait for pictures to show. There were people much more involved than I was.

Also, new banner.

This blog was done for fun. Flames will be ridiculed.


Leyenda 14 years ago

the fact that the dolls are from a video game overshadows the fact that they're just dolls. It's justified.
Kilin… it's OK. Don't apologize lol… there's nothing wrong with buying them. For what ever reason.

I got some Disney dolls when I visit Disney World. I love them.

Castypher 14 years ago

Nah, that was something I forgot to mention earlier.

Good to know the majority of 64Digits users are civil and aren't quick to judge. I underestimated everyone.



The Avatrol 14 years ago

respect. ive been to anime conventions in the past and met some cool people.