This is a Weak Halloween Avatar

Posted by Castypher on Oct. 28, 2010, 3:50 p.m.

Remember River? Yeah, the chick in blue. She's in a witch costume. It's just a recolor. Yay.

I felt weird not having SOMEthing Halloween-related (poor Rez), so here's like the only thing I could come up with. A recolor. Yay.

It's blurred. Not quite what I wanted. But I'm only going to keep it for a couple days anyway. Yay.

Here is what I originally had. Yay.

I think it was better. Suggest. For the few days we have.

While we're talking about witches, I might as well present another character, whose drawing I did only a couple days after River's, but forgot to show you guys.

This is Karemi. Her head looks weird, I know. But she is an herb witch. She hates River's guts but at the same time likes her. They're buddies but they're not. There's a word for that relationship, but I don't really remember what it's called. But it describes them. (yay)

But yeah, Karemi's your run-of-the-mill brewing-and-cursing witch. She also makes the best tea for miles, so good ol' River here likes to come over uninvited and request some. Karemi doesn't like it of course (to an extent), and she's pretty well known for spiking peoples' drinks and cursing their bodies.

There's a little story behind it. Yes, I'm still working hard on Terminys. Hard enough that I have a screenshot.

Even now, there is a slight element of a shoot-em-up. Wait, I mean….


This is River's first boss battle, a sylph like herself with an ethereal crow form. They dated (or whatever the sylph equivalent is to dating) two or three years back. Yes, River dated a crow. She also ate humans.

Feel free to criticize my stuff. I'll even make excuses for you.

But really, by criticism, I mean something helpful. Like what people did last time I showed a sketch. That was all useful stuff.

Don't, however, tell me how bad the HUD is, or how simple the spritework is, or how the crow boss's portrait is a flower. I will swat you.



BP Scraps 13 years, 11 months ago


Castypher 13 years, 11 months ago

i'd hit both

Though, I do believe there are three. Then count the ethereal crow.

That reminds me that Ronnica told me one of the crow's laser attacks looks like a dick. =(