As promised, I should have something playable to show before the end of this week. This blog is just to go over a few of the things I've added lately, which you are welcome to criticize or suggest for.
For those who care, here is the whole changelog since the last demo (excluding the tech demo of course). This includes my notes for future progress, which you may also criticize or suggest for.
CHANGELOG:V0.12 (in progress)- Making the HUD look more polished- Adding a water-themed dungeon, to be located at the edge of Lockwood Lake- Adding combos for adult Aidan only- Adding more cutscenes- Adding more characters- Adding River's prologueCurrently:- Dodging- River's cast animations- Cutscene after Eira's fightTitle- Added a new logo and effectsBattle- Added a pause feature on the battle screen- Added ethereal flash references in Aidan's fight with Dakota- Added melee combos for RiverHUD- Added spell iconsCutscenes and Dialog- Added profile pictures to make dialog a little more interesting- Modified the dialog engine's slow text feature so it doesn't pause the game- Allowed some text effects, such as italics, enlarged text, or shrunken text- Added first half of River's prologue- Allowed players to skip cutscenesV0.10aTitle- Drastically decreased transition time to naming roomBattle- Slowed fly travel speed by 25%- Raised Ether Wave travel speed by 25%- Increased Ether Wave hitbox by about 25%- Halved damage dealt by Boss 1's poison cloud- Raised healing done by Ether Heal by 5% of total health- Increased fly experience from 3 to 5- Decreased transition time between the map screen and battle screen

Yay spell icons!
That looks like the opposite of an explosion.
Oh, I forgot to clarify.
It is a reversed black hole. It must be. That's the only explanation. Or, you know, a dark explosion or something.IT MOVES BEFORE MY EYES LIKE AN EXPLOSION SHOULD.