Well, I promised this about a week ago, and after some unexpected bugs, the time has come to post it.
First and foremost, the download link:http://www.shaltix.com/Terminys_RiverPrologue.zipOnce again, I had to host it at my own site, because 64Digits' file manager has trouble with ZIPs at the moment. And Cyrus, if you give me any more mouth about my site that exists solely for keeping my personal data safe, I'll swat you. And then get back to you on it later.And for God's sake, before you blame me for random errors, extract the thing. On most computers, it'll work fine without extracting, but you won't be able to save your game. You need those saves if you plan on dying in-game (the game loads a quicksave, containing your position, but all other data is kept).CONTROLSThanks for reminding me that I forgot about this important part. Here's a rundown of controls.Arrow Keys - MovementZ - Melee attack in combat, menu select on the mapX - Hold to runA - Hold to recharge your Ether, used when you cast too many spellsS - Cast your selected spellQ/E - Cycle through your spells (you can cycle through them on the map screen by going to the pause menu and navigating to the skills tab)I don't think I forgot any.RIVER'S SPELLSEther Spear - A short-ranged but powerful attackEther Dart - A fast, weak, but spammable attackStoneraze - Summons rocks from the ground. A spell with a long cast time that attacks enemies a moderate distance in front of her. Hits enemies that have burrowed underground.Energy Strike - Generates energy beams to strike units a moderate distance in front of her. Moderate cast time, moderate power. Hits enemies that have taken to the skies (aim for the shadow).You'll navigate a small level, fight some enemies, and a boss. The enemies can be annoying, but River doesn't gain experience in her prologue, so there is no need to fight them besides to get used to the combat. The boss used to be a lot harder, but I've toned it down so you can play without too much trouble.There are also several cutscenes. You can watch them if you want, but I've added a skipping feature for those who want to get to the actual game. If you are interested in what happens later, for some reason, I encourage you to watch the cutscene after the boss fight, and it'll reveal a good part of the plot.If you watch all the cutscenes, however, please feel free to provide feedback on the story or the cutscene itself. I'd appreciate those people who were patient enough to watch everything.So, if you're still questioning what the hell this is, here are some screens.

This may contain some spoilers, if you care.This is River's prologue, which occurs about three days after Aidan's prologue, which was in the very first demo (the one with the flower and poison mist, etc). River is a sylph, a half-breed between the powerful Ethereals and humans. Sylphia typically keep to themselves, but are more in tune with ethereal power.Some sylphia feed on the Ether of other creatures, including humans. It's not an uncommon act to leech a human's life force, but it is addicting, and for some, necessary.When the two rival forces, Ether and Nether, clash, devastating effects follow. Since this follows the battle between people who held Ether and Nether, there are some effects that River is sent to investigate.The next part of her prologue, which will probably not be released by itself, will bring the main plot into view, and River will join Aidan following the prologue.
- When dying and returning to the room, the view must be reset (it works fine, but you see the previous view's position for about half a second).- When dying and returning to the room, enemies are not reset (no grinding for now, unless you want to take the time to restart the game).
Holy shit man. That just made my day. Now let me reply to every detail.
I can work on a spellbook. It'll take me some time to figure out how it'll look, but with a design, it should be pretty easy.
Here we go!
Things which absolutely annoyed me1. The second time I played (I accidentally quit the first time), I skipped the cutscenes, and the storm "sound effect" played over… and over… and over… again… Until I gave up and turned the computer sound off.Pretty sure it was a bug. In either case, I suggest you change the sound to something slightly less annoying (the wind sounds buzzy and noisy, on my earphones at least)2. The black background behind your stats in the combat menu. Not only was it unnecessarily big (though I suppose the extra part was to accomodate an extra NPC), it kept obstructing the view of the boss.You should reduce the size of that black spot of annoyance to a required minimum (only increase it if there are actually extra NPCs or whatever else appears next to the stats), and maybe even make it transparent, or figure out some other way of making what's behind more visible.(the boss healthbar was less annoying, maybe use something more similar for the character stats, with some more visible stuff in the background instead of the black rectangle area)Things which annoyed me less but should still get fixed somehow1. The enemy hitbox was a wild guessing game. At first I thought I was supposed to hit the orb, then that I'm supposed to hit the shadow, and as it turned out, it's not exactly either (though closer to the second part).Either make it more clear where the hitbox is, or highlight the enemy when the player attacks/casts a spell, or at the beginning of the battle/when the boss changes form. I can imagine some rectangular "scan" effect homing on the enemy at the beginning of combat (or maybe when a player presses something, like an extra key for highlighting enemies as a combat aid).Alternatively, increase the hitbox of player's projectiles. At first I found it almost impossible to hit the boss when shooting vertically, and when it comes to melee attacks (Ether Spear), it's just impossible.(also, add some more visible explosion effect for Ether Dart in addition to displaying the amount of damage it deals)3. The controls aren't particularly bad, just confusing. Why not have attack and spell next to one another (say, Z and X), C for run, A and S for choosing spells, and D for recharge?The part that annoyed me was that I kept recharging instead of casting. :P4. The spell loading times are too long. Not by much, and their power makes up for it, but it makes it very hard to aim them right and spamming Ether Dart turns out to be more effective anyway.Most importantly, it wasn't possible for me to hit the boss in his Bad Karma form with Stoneraze without him getting to me and damaging me anyway.Things which were only a mild nuisance1. Did I already mention that the trees could use some shadows? :P2. The transition times were slightly too long, particularly when skipping cutscenes (wanna skip a cutscene? a-ha! I shall punish you by forcing you to watch the screen fade in and out! muahaha!), but also when moving between areas.3. The house looked slightly too colourful compared to the rest of the game. Making the floor less saturated would also help increase the contrast with the characters.4. Same as with SpectreNectar, the boss's name didn't fully display for me in his "-orm of Misfortune" form and the other end went outside of the bar.Is that a GM problem? I thought once you load the fonts, it doesn't really vary from one computer to another. If it does, just use a more popular font I guess :P5. Come on, limit the amount of full stops in an ellipsis to three. You're wasting precious nanoseconds (heh, I just don't like anything other than just one or just three periods, so that counts as a nuisance).Things I loved1. The special effects. The game looks like a SNES jRPG, but the darkness-bleeding orbs, transparent rotating rings of light, pillars of light beaming out of eldritch circles, or even characters teleporting out go beyond anything that SNES had, and still fit in pretty good.2. The cutscenes. They were pretty varied and had some action and effects going on (rather than just talk, talk, talk).3. The game in general! Apart from the things I listed, all was enjoyable, the combat was pretty creative and the spells were varied and looked great.I think it'll be harder to come up with useful and powerful melee attacks, though (if you're going to make melee characters or abilities more important, I suggest you go for the old trick of increasing their angle, since just attacking in a line when you can only move in four directions is going to be very ineffective).Other CommentsFunnier and more action-packed than the last demo. I figured out how to beat the boss myself (took me five attempts, I think).Also, River acts like a punk, even for a jRPG-style character ;) If that was meant to be the introductory chapter for that character, I think it did a pretty good job.And how do you access the pause menu, anyway?P.s. Maybe add some "idle" effect for the save ravens? Some short animation every now and then if you stay around for long enough. They rule.I'd hate to tl;dr, but these comments are huge D:
You may not be, but "Actually jk" in one of your previous comments (note the word "actually," as if a mind was changed), tells me that you may feel the same way.
HMMMMMM.Enlighten me one of these days.