This blog is a disorganized mess of what I've been doing lately. There's something for everyone, I assure you. We've got games, women, school, shooters, and Dr. Pepper. Even if there was only Dr. Pepper, it'd still be something for everyone. Because everyone either loves/hates/doesn't know about/is indifferent toward it. Therefore they are all related to Dr. Pepper.
Excuse me while I attempt to organize this disorganized mess in the fastest way possible.School/WorklFirst off, finals week is almost over. I've just got one more final. It's a group exam, fairly easy since I don't have to do all the studying.Work is fun. Much free time now, which means lots of time for the stuff that composes the rest of this blog.WoWFlame me all you want, but yes, I do play WoW. As you may know, the new expansion came out last night. I went to the midnight launch, which was incredibly disappointing with the most cheap-ass raffle I've ever seen. I won a prize. It was a box. An empty box with a logo on it. It's like a poster that takes up more space. Needless to say, I was slightly disappointed. But the game is fun.Dr. PepperI drank some.TouhouIt's fun as always. Went back to an older game and am grinding away at the extra stage. Completing bullet hell games is like climbing a mountain. It's slow.A fun card that I can't seem to get, despite its simplicity. Basically, there's a dive involved. Crazy man, crazy. And it looks like a swastika. I won't bother to go through the symbol explanation because I think it's funny too.But on that note, here's my take on a new bullet hell game:Obviously the graphics are all temporary, but I've got some fun bullet patterns in already. Also, for those who recognize the window style, I'll end up changing it of course, but it was just for emulation purposes.Game DevelopmentTerminys is on a slight hold until I can get some ideas for what part to work on next. I mean, I had two people go through and give a ton of criticism, but school says I don't have time to make all the revisions. But here's what I do have on Terminys.You may have seen it before. That's because I'm revisiting character outfits and redesigning them. For those who are familiar with River (witch chick), she'll be getting a new wardrobe as well. Robes? Bleh.This one could use a little criticism though.So I'm revisiting an old project some of you may know as LODM. Progress on that is slow but steady as always, so I'll post something.I did all the tiles myself, and sadly, the trees as well. A while ago I tried to follow a tutorial for that, but they didn't turn out well. I liked how the house and grass tiles turned out (though admittedly, the house tiles are a little bit based on RPG Maker's tilesets).The character portrait in the HUD is from years ago, when I learned to pillow-shade. I'll revise it sooner or later, along with the rest of the HUD.God, I hate HUDs.And finally I'll finish off with something that hot-headed bastard Cyrus keeps randomly bringing up.OBEL - CONFIRMED FOR 64BRAWLI may or may not be picking this back up after so many years. I'm lacking characters and I suck at animation, so it'll be slow. But I've got a great engine so far, thanks to long-lost Andes.By the way, Zane, stop being a dick and unblock me on Messenger. I have things to discuss with you.FinI think that's everything for now. Hope you didn't get lost in that mess. I didn't bother to post directions pointing the way out.
What is 64Brawl's current roster?
Everything that has ever been conceived from the 64digits community.
Pretty much. Which is why I got discouraged and put it off. As far as who's in-game, I've got Obel, Ciribot, BUBZ, and the ST man.And Cyrus, my project list is around twelve games. Actively there are about five. But nobody seemed to like the games I was working on, so I'm shuffling around trying to find something that people DO like, so it's actually worth my time.I can handle 64Brawl. It's good to see that people still remember it, because when I came up with the idea, it was a joke. All I have to do is finish the engine and everything else is pretty easy to add in.We'll see where this goes. Like I said, if nobody likes what I'm working on, I stop working on it.EDIT: Goddammit Ferret, I was pointing at RawrSpoon. Now you have a finger in your eye.i keep reading your title as Cutterblog lmfao.
also, i've been planning an RPG but yours looks better than i could ever do :PA game made in GM is still an addition to the portfolio, which is why I haven't scrapped all my games yet. Other than that, I'm opposite to you, Cyrus. I'm all work and little talk. DSG, Obel, and Kenon can all get people hyped about their games easily. I can't do that so well.
Then again, the "demos" I presented were the very basics of the game. I guess I can't expect people to be interested in quick skirmishes.UNLESS IT'S A TOTAL WAR GAME OF COURSE.Wwwwwwwwwwwwwow. Way to put that extreme intrinsic autism that comes from being a programmer to use. Five different projects is nuts. Especially when you're making them look as good as THOSE ones.