Novel in 30 Days

Posted by Castypher on May 1, 2011, 12:33 a.m.

I've officially begun. After finishing school with a little focus on game design and sketching, I've finally decided to try for a difficult, but fun little project that I mentioned before.

Here's the twist though. I'm doing a genre I'm not used to, and one I know nearly nothing about. That means I have to spend a lot of this time doing research. But I'll still be available, so all you old faces I haven't seen in a while, hit me up on Messenger or something.

Normally I write things that fall in the modern fantasy area (not talking about castles and swords and dragons). This time, I'm going more for a mystery thriller. That's awesome, because once I figured out a mystery was more comparable to Sherlock Holmes than Higurashi, I pretty much wanted to throw what I already had out the window, because what I have isn't solving a mystery of a crime that's happened in the past. It's about things that are currently happening.

I think that falls under the "thriller" genre. But it's still a mystery, so I found "mystery thriller" exists.

Also, I've taken a trip down memory lane and am watching Clannad again, and dubbed. But After Story isn't, which makes me sad.

I've already finished Soul Eater, and to my brother's girlfriend's request, Fruits Basket (she likes girly shows). But they end up being funny anyway so it all turns out well.

Oh, and I'm giving RIFT a try, because I didn't know what to do with my money. First month is free anyway. It's not so bad. Directly mimics WoW mostly, but overall, it's quite a bit more fun.

My friends, a toast to late night writing.


F1ak3r 13 years, 5 months ago

Writing a novel in 30 days is pretty fun, yeah. I did it once (for NaNoWriMo '08). Going for a specific wordcount? NaNo is 50 000 words, but I think novels should actually be 60 000.

Anyway, I hope you don't have too much else going on, because it's going to consume your life for the next 30 days. At least, that was my experience - if I wasn't writing my novel, it was because I was planning it out in my head. A great way to get yourself focused, certainly.

colseed 13 years, 5 months ago

Sounds like fun.

Any specific setting yet?

Castypher 13 years, 5 months ago

I'm going for around 75,000 (though I usually end up getting 150,000, so this is actually quite short). And yeah, it's pretty much got my focus for most of the day (and night).

The setting is supposed to be something still American, because that is the only place I'm familiar with, and it was the only one where I could justify using English (heh heh). It might end up in Oregon because of the green in the area, as well as proximity to the ocean. No, I've never been there, but my mom has, and that's what research is for, right?

I'm definitely looking forward to it. 4,000 words in the first three hours.

firestormx 13 years, 5 months ago

I love the fruits basket manga. =3