Kilin's Top 10 Video Game Track Remixes

Posted by Castypher on June 20, 2011, 5:17 p.m.

Time for me to post another music blog, but not of my own. Xemic gave me this idea but I was lazy and forgot to do it.

Note that these are unofficial remixes, meaning they're basically fan-made, not in-game, not recognized by the creator, etc (though I think one or two DKC tracks were in a bundle that Dave Wise took part in). There really aren't a lot of games on here, but that's mostly because there aren't a lot of soundtracks that catch my fancy. However, the games I have here generally have all-around good soundtracks, in my opinion, and the remixes were done well enough to catch the epic feel of each of them.

Let's start with:

Donkey Kong Country

Thrash the Plank - Gangplank Galleon

Donkey Kong Country 2

Krool Intentions - Crocodile Cacophony

Castle Crescendo - Krook's March

The Delay - Hot Head Bop, Stickerbrush Symphony

Lava Dead Beat - Hot Head Bop

Touhou 6 - Embodiment of Scarlet Devil

U.N. Owen Was Her? - Sweets Time Remix

U.N. Owen Was Her? - COOL&CREATE

Touhou 7 - Perfect Cherry Blossom

Marisa Stole the Precious Thing - Doll Judgment

Necrofantasia - Ezel-Ash

Touhou 11 - Subterranean Animism

Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom: Nuclear Fusion

So there you have it. Like I said, the actual games variety is pretty small, but I just thought these had the best tracks, and once you go looking for them, remixes often ensue, and you can find some pretty great ones.

In other news, Prism Soul has had the spotlight for quite some time and it's about time to give it back to Terminys. So I'm doing the hard shit first and adding some new sprites, as well as a new feature to the game to give characters much more customization.

As requested, active skills can be upgraded in four categories: power, cast time, range, and cost.

There are also passive skills unlocked as the character levels up. The player can put points in these skills to add passive benefits, like a chance on melee attacks to make X spell instant cast. Some of these synergize well and some don't, but if you make a mistake, you can easily change it, but only out of combat.

The only thing I'm working out right now is what to use as points (points on levelup are boring). I think for the actives, I've settled on a currency, and the cost increases with each point spent. For the passives, you gain points from beating bosses, but increased points from beating optional bosses, giving incentive to explore.

I'll be busy, but I'll be around.


JuurianChi 13 years, 4 months ago

U.N. Owen Was Her?

I listened to just those…


I came.

Quietus 13 years, 4 months ago

oh good, i was too lazy to do one of these last time as well, so maybe i'll actually post something this time around :P

yeah i clicked on U.N. Owen Was Her? too for some reason. awesome stuff here lol.

sirxemic 13 years, 4 months ago

You got good taste.

But this blog needs moar franchises.

Castypher 13 years, 4 months ago

U.N. Owen Was Her? is among my favorite songs. Really catchy.

And I agree it needs more, but I honestly can't think of many remixes I thought were done especially well. Maybe it's because modern games have great tracks in themselves and I'm not looking for remixes of them.

At any rate, this was a narrow topic, so here's a narrow list. I'll choose something a little broader next time.