Petition: Replacing the Recent Blogs Column

Posted by Castypher on Oct. 4, 2011, 11:28 p.m.


So I've noticed something for a while but mostly kept quiet about it because I knew it probably wouldn't get fixed. But if nothing else (could pester a few people about it), I'd like to see how many people feel similarly. So let me ask you this.

How much do you use the middle column compared to the activity feed?

I myself only use it when trying to trace back to an old blog that disappeared from the activity feed. Other times, I don't even look at it. Then here's another thing.

Would you care if that middle column was modified?

Since we're fast becoming a media-based site, why not allow for submissions of all different kinds of media? Instead of just being able to rate and comment on games, why not have support for images and music and any other generic media? Besides, six games isn't much to display (though we aren't getting many submissions as is).

Why not have the middle column be composed of recent media submissions?

Of course, they can be divided into categories, and the recent blogs could probably appear as a list minus the previews. Also, expanding the recent activity feed to accommodate for 20-30 entries might be something to look into. I mean the main page stretches much further downward anyway.

Give it some thought. If needed, I'll do it myself. I'd mostly just like to see how everyone else feels about a site they may or may not frequent.


Castypher 13 years ago

I'm glad to see someone feels so very strongly about the issue. Particularly Twinsoul.

And to everyone else, thanks for your feedback. But I think there were some misunderstandings. I'm not really suggesting to get rid of it entirely, just reduce its presence at the very least. If a blog falls off the recent activity, I'll personally refer to the active users or trudge through blogs that the user has commented in before I remember to check the recent blogs. And it's the biggest thing there. So maybe that space could be better used.

Reverting the activity feed to what it was prior to V3 might help, too.

And of course, the media list is tentative too. I understand that not everyone here is into production, and some people use this site as their personal blog. But it might be nice to be able to submit your pictures and music and code in order to expose them to a similar rating system our games pages provide, and have a chance to at least preview your creations to the people who only skim blogs.

It looks like the reason 64Digits for which was originally intended is diminishing a little more each year. We're all moving on to different things, if not at least trying them out. I'd just like to see my favorite community accommodating for that.

panzercretin 13 years ago

Perhaps we could have a list next to the +x counter of who +1'd it?

JuurianChi 13 years ago

Javascript popup.

(That should be easy, right?)

bendodge 13 years ago

I am against trying to make 64Digits more like Facebook. Almost 4.4 years ago I suggested having a page to track stuff I have already commented on, similar to IPB's subscriptions and user dashboard.

However, I think recent blogs should stay, because it's far too easy for them to get buried otherwise. I would suggest expanding the recent activity feed to use more of the available sidebar, and removing some of the massive header space at the top of every page. On this monitor (1280x1024 school workstation), the first blog doesn't actually start until more than halfway down the screen. And I have no extra toolbars.

Overall, I resist the trend towards pop-whatever and away from our blogging heritage.

Edit: Also, pinned blogs should be visually different from recent ones, so that I can easily skip them…

Kamira 13 years ago

Recent Activity should show who's blog/topic/whatever it is, and maybe who the last poster was.

panzercretin 13 years ago

In that case, I think that'd also work in the case of the +x list.

Taizen Chisou 13 years ago

I've remained silent on this matter simply because I have only been here for two months, and like the site as it is.