Kilin's Scary Four Entry

Posted by Castypher on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:46 p.m.

That's all I have done on my game, so now you know what you're up against! Aren't I a terrible Photoshopper? Cheer up, you can beat this for sure! Feel free to list all the problems you see. I'm aware of all of them (particularly in the hand, that fucker alone took me two hours so I'm not about to touch it again).

In other news, I caught a cold over the weekend, and just in time for my birthday. And colds suck more than I remember them. Too bad, too. I was going out to have a few drinks tonight and I might have to put it off until next weekend.

Another birthday present I got was a nice request to transfer $250 into my mother's bank account because of bills and such. And that's quite a bit for me. Isn't it nice to have a money cushion when you're in trouble? Well there goes that tablet I wanted to buy.

Oh, and I picked up Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny this week. I am addicted. My entire family is addicted. Even my non-gamer sister was addicted until she borrowed Fable 2 and 3 from a friend. First thing I saw was some fat lady fighting a troll. Someone had a little too much pie.

Yeah, and next week there's Banzai (some sort of local anime convention). I said I'd go with my friends, so it ought to be fun. No I don't plan on dressing up. I think I'll be sick of costumes by the end of the weekend. Jesus, some people really get into that stuff. But if I do see any more Touhou (like last year), everything will be worth it.

Oh yeah, and that means I won't get to work on my comp entry so much.

Well I posted a devblog (not really), so you can all rest at ease and stop bothering me about it now.


BP Scraps 13 years ago


Looks nice! And happy birthday!

Rez 13 years ago

Happy birthday! Hope you start feeling better.

JID 13 years ago

omfg happy birfday!

JuurianChi 13 years ago

I think I said that on Facebook already.


Cesque 13 years ago

I try to imagine some gameplay to go with that image… but I can't. Enigmatic.

Happy birthday!

Castypher 13 years ago

There is no gameplay. All I have is that one image.

But since I'm no troll (nor am I currently in the proper mental state to do so), and since people see the easy was out of saying "Happy Birthday" rather than commenting on anything else (appreciated all the same)….

Well I guess I should just say the gameplay is not properly depicted by the image. And I think I'll save that for next time when I get real gameplay pictures.

Cesque 13 years ago

and since people see the easy was out of saying "Happy Birthday" rather than commenting on anything else (appreciated all the same)

We should really have a macro series about your average 64digits poster.

Template here!

Rob 13 years ago

Why don't more people post screenshots? I want to know how badly I'm going to get destroyed in the competition…

Quote: Cesque
We should really have a macro series about your average 64digits poster.

Please don't, Cesque.

Cesque 13 years ago

Please don't, Cesque.

K, I'm done.

Rob 13 years ago

But it was in reference to something I directly quoted from you…